Manchester Utd 2023/24 (Part 1)

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Yanited lads gone quiet about their thug of a goalkeeper maiming a fellow professional in a friendly.

Shane ryan signed for utd?

What would you like us to say about a reserve team friendly in the US at 3am? Apparently it was a terrible tackle. Id imagine it was a young fella trying to show he has able for it and mistiming it horribly.
We lost to real last night as well. Apparently they were way better.

Bellingham ran the show from what I could see from watching first half.

Cc @myboyblue @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Incredible club

estimated the project would inject £70 million of added value into the Greater Manchester economy each year, and lead to 1795 new full-time jobs and a total of over 3000 including part-time and casual work

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Wrong thread mate

Flatty posts where he wants

Are they going to buy fans to fill it🤔

And Co-op live next door on the campus.
Opening gig is the Jonas brothers mind :grimacing:
I thought they’d have asked Ariana Grande tbh, if not her, then the stone roses if they could point them straight, though they probably don’t want the seats covered in piss by mid 50’s scrotes who think they’re Mani.

What about the super fan Gallagher brothers?

I’d say it was too risky they’d brawl backstage and not play. Also reason 2 above. Them and the Arctic Monkeys gigs are notorious for horrible people throwing beakers of piss.

That’s the way it’s gone now with the younger folks am afraid. An incredible venture and another wonderful asset for the area and Manchester in general.

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Pipettes of piss

I like a bit of onomotopeia as much as the next person.

Alliteration flatty. I had a good aul chuckle at beakers of piss though. Like something the lads in 2F4 would fire at the teacher in the chemistry lab back in the mid 90s

I’d say there’s onomotopeia there too, pissing into a glass before you throw it all over a crowd.

