Manchester Utd 2023/24 (Part 1)

There’d be no room for Bruno in Conte’s 3-4-3 bar traipsing up the right side.


Didn’t see the 1st half but they did nothing in the 2nd half in a must win game. Where did all the money go. A farce of a club.

Can you expand on this?

I never heard this one before?

You’d nearly be sick of kicking them while they are down. Nearly

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Yer man will be gone next Monday morning

Arsenal still played beautiful footballl through most of their banter era

Liverpool match is last chance saloon.

Liverpool have been getting away with murder lately though.

Yeah we’re shitting it

They mostly finished in the top four as well and regularly won the FA Cup.

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You’re receiving the ball on your back foot on the wing most of the time, his left foot is for quenching fag butts so hed have to take outside of foot touches


No Way Ugh GIF

Jose the only one to get a tune out of them in the last what 10 years!!

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I presume you’re referring to his right foot ?

Very tame European performance by Man United. They wouldn’t really be viewed as a top club on the continent. Your Madrid’s, Bayern’s, Milan’s and Barca’s wouldn’t fear them at all.

On a serious note though. The Yanited posters on here will be delighted to be knocked out. It immediately enhances their chances of qualifying for next seasons Champions League and possibly even a title push without any European football after Christmas at all.

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Yes. When he has to cut back he’d have to play outside of his foot. He hasnt the pace


4 in a row for Copper :muscle:t2:

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They can go more compact in midfield against Liverpool without having to accommodate Bruno. As you’ve said Liverpool have been flattering to deceive of late. It’s all set-up for a shock Man United result. They’re due one at Anfield.

Well that was pure shite. About as meek as you can get really. Roll on sunday . Weve a coaches 5 a side tournament then up to the local swimming pool bar to watch united v liverpool. 80% of the coaches are Liverpool fans.

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That was incredibly poor. Surely he’ll get the sack he’s at absolutely nothing