Manchester Utd 2023/24 (Part 1)

There’s something about ten hag when the real pressure comes on he tends to get a result. Always best to be a lucky general.

Ten Hag is a blessed soul.

Liverpool were probably 3 goals the superior side in normal time.

Trying to walk it in cost them massively

Carragher is seething.

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Vile behaviour mocking people dying at Hillsborough

Who cares…city don’t count. Beating the cunts is all that matters. And fuck off carragher you utter cunt…

Always. Cunts to the end.

Free speech mate

It meant more

Liverpool fans attacked the disabled section mate


Maybe he was on about Hysel

An absolute idiot of a man.

Football fans are scum



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Then through flares at the disabled section as well.

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There’s no great scum than football fans

Sorry mate. @Kyle doesnt want to talk about liverpool fans attacking the disabled section or liverpool fans shouting munich or the manager abusing people again. Can we not just focus on a united fan being an idiot?


People have less and less respect for others, the UK in particular is a cesspit of oneupmanship, hatred and angst. Obese balding middle aged men (I’m referring to all clubs here not the just the fella above) going apeshit in the stands roaring racist and tragedy abuse at opposing players and throwing flares into the disabled section.

Other fans posting videos of themselves trying to wind up opposition players thinking they are some sort of internet legend including that clown trying to wind up the Chelsea players after the Carabou cup final. It’s a sad state of affairs if that’s the pinnacle of your achievements in life.


Time to start supporting LOi mate


Been bringing the girls to the Rovers women’s games. Might just have to jump on board myself

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North stand for some of the mens game too mate, family section

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