Manchester Utd 2023/24 (Part 1)

To the only club to beat him home and away this season!


Simeone inzaghi is my pick

He acquiesced to a frankly insane tour of the US preseason.

Is Ten Hag going to be gone before start of next season? You seem a bit of a defender of him so maybe not the best person to ask. Personally I like him and would like him to stay but my gut feeling is he’s toast now. @Copper_pipe has his finger on the pulse all things Man Utd, what’s your reading of the tea leaves on this?

I reckon if they do replace him soon it won’t be with Southgate, won’t be with Potter either, won’t be De Zerbi. I could see someone totally left field.

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I’d say he’s toast based on copper who invariably is spot on.

Can we get a list of who are the top 10 managers in the world it’ll be on that list:

Guardiola - rivals so can’t
Alonso - Liverpool past so surely can’t
Simeone - beckham rivalry I guess would mean no?
Klopp - rivals so can’t
Arteta - rivals so can’t - or could he?
Ancelotti - age maybe means a no - although I thought he was older than 64
Simone Inzaghi - not sure he’s good enough even though highly rated
Zidane - maybe but doesn’t feel likely
Deschamps - doesn’t feel likely
Mourinho - that ship has sailed

Top of uniteds list should probably be Alonso, Arteta and Ancelotti but doubtful if any would go there. I like Simeone too but feels unlikely.

Of the up and comers those not proven top level OR the B list:

Southgate - don’t like him, too boring, doesn’t feel Man Utd
Potter - l like him but boring
De Zerbi - don’t think he’s brought Brighton on much more
Amorim - seems to be the talking guy don’t know much about him, feels very unlikely
Michel the Girona manager - seems to have worked wonders there, very left field, feels unlikely
Ange - hasn’t pulled up trees at Spurs, not inconceivable though
Nagelsman - don’t see it
Howe - possible , has the Ashworth connection too, gets his teams well structured and they play well
Emery - failure at Arsenal ought to count against him but seems well regarded
Thomas Frank - probably hasn’t done enough this season at Brentford

I named my preferences if I was Utd hierarchy (Alonso, Arteta or Ancelotti) but I think they’ll be picking from the “B list”. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Eddie Howe. @Copper_pipe could Simeone be considered besides his Beckham history?

Alonso said he’s committing to Leverkusen :person_shrugging:t2:

I doubt he’d jump ship but Emery is a fantastic manager that probably took the Arsenal job at the wrong time. I’d happily take him at Liverpool… Utd should be targeting him.

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Conte is the man for the job, is he working at the moment?

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It’s different when man United coming calling.

Howe and ashworth hate each other by all accounts.

Simeone inzaghi would be my choice.

If we are going British I want somebody who could have led the invasion of Normandy during the D landings.

Eddie Howe, potter and Southgate were more the types to be walking around the titantic when it was sinking roaring “ “ be British” lads.

A massive no for me.


He has to say that for now - they’ve just won the bundesliga. Give him a month he might be feeling differently about his future.

I think Potter is a good manager that was hamstrung by a fairly dysfunctional upper management at Chelsea. In fairness, the same could be argued about Ten Hag.

I’m not sure if the new regime at Yanited has made it less or more dysfunctional but I’d imagine the posters who know about the goings on at the club, namely @flattythehurdler and @Copper_pipe, would know more about that.

He has a pressure free shot at managing a club in the CL. Why would he replace Klopp or take on the massive rebuild needed at utd while still learning?

He only has 1 full season behind him as manager… He’s in a perfect spot to continue getting experience.

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Didn’t Klopp (2014) and Guardiola (2016) rebuff their advances? Xabi Alonso definitely won’t be going near Old Trafford.

I’d agree with you that Inzaghi is probably the best option. @Smark has summed it up well there. I think if I was a Yanited fan I’d be tempted to take a punt on Kieran McKenna. Although there’s always the slight fear that he could be another Paul Lambert, who also won took an East Anglian club from League One to the Prem.

Brailsford - Southgate connection is massive.

It will be Southgate

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Michael Carrick for me.

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Aye, that’s why united couldn’t get Guardiola :joy:

Hi Xabi, would you like to manage a basket base of a club with a culture of backstabbing and bitching or take your unbeaten first time champions into Europe on a wave of goodwill?

Well, let’s have a think about that shall we…

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From what I’m hearing anyway the Southgate talk is nonsense and just something that’s being pushed by Goldbridge and that Youtube channel he does the streams on. Their game is to get interactions and attentions on the socials and pushing the Southgate thing does that. They were very anti INEOS originally and were pushing the Qatar bid for interactions on the socials also.

Ten Hag has lost the dressing room, Brailsford was around Carrington yesterday and the vibes weren’t great. My source says ETH is a bit of a recluse and can come across as some who seems to be in a mood.

The compensation due to ETH will be lower if he is officially let go after July 1st.