Manchester Utd 2023/24 (Part 1)

Mason Greenwood will be Saudi Arabia’s centre forward at the 2030 World Cup.

They do in their fuck.

More likely the victim might have been provoking him.

There is no explanation for leaving her in the state she was in that video.

The statement from Arnold is frightening.

The Blunder Years

I know that, but why say it? The statement is basically;

Ya we actually had evidence exonerating him, but we are getting rid of him anyway because it affects our brand.


What would you do, if I beat her black and blue?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?

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If Greenwood had made that statement in February, and provided a proper explanation, then there might have been some hope for him.

This all smacks of trying to close the gate after the horse has bolted.

The moral high ground was lost a long time ago but at least they seem to have realised that bringing him back was absolutely fucking brain-dead from a footballing point of view.

That’s messis job.

Well not really know given they claim they’ve evidence he was innocent.

This opens a whole different can of worms.

Surely if this recording existed greenwood would have used it to get him out of the charges.

If it turns out it’s oliver callan doing an impression of him on the recording they are better off washing their hands of the whole thing and letting someone else deal with it.

Maybe he just decided himself was it going to be worth it.

He’d have been hounded at every single ground he went to for evermore.

It’s clear the manager values players of ill character and wanted to keep Greenwood. The Glazers eventually ushered him out the door with a payoff.

Remarkably similar to the Mendy situation at City.

I thought police said a key witness revoked its statement and they couldn’t continue the case.

You’re still trying to rescue this, shameful

Absolutely. Sure he can go off and make a fortune in Saudi in relative peace

Semantics, the charges were dropped as they couldn’t continue the case.

He wasn’t cleared.

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dont think so