Marginalization of (White)/(Straight) Men/ post photos of great sets of tits

What’s this thread about?

Well would a barmaid be any worse than an actor back in the 80s?

From what I can see it’s mainly about @anon7035031 making a fool of himself.

Gillette getting in on the man bashing as well.

‘Is this the best a man can get?’: Gillette under fire for new #MeToo advert

Another quote mining idiot.

Regardless of how biased they are, if you want to uncover what the left and in particular the alt-left are up to in the US, Vox is the best source. Just as Fox are the best source for right wing and alt-right views.

You won’t see interviews with DSA leaders on CNN or any of the mainstream media as they won’t publish anything that could harm the DNC.

Quote mining idiot? I remembered you very distinctly having a cut at Vox before and thus I thought it was curious that you were using it as a basis for your latest blather. That’s all. No need to be so touchy.

Vox are a left wing publication who promote socialism (actual socialism not pretend socialism) in the US. It’s hardly surprising I oppose them as I favor capitalism over socialism, like anyone with a functioning brain.

If you don’t understand the concept of using a source that you are opposed to to point out the specifics of what you are opposed to, you are dumber than I had realized.

Do you have a “functioning brain”

Could get tricky with the right wing Vox in Spain…

Very much so.

Wrong again.


You are indeed.

Em, sorry to have to break this to you, but you just went and made up your own strawman logic there.

A big win for feminists in Saudi…

This poor lad has been walking around terrified that women everywhere are going to seduce him and then report him for rape. I’d say he hasn’t much to be worried about.

One of the Ascoughs, I bet.

Barry Murphy, head of the UCD students’ union, said he was “appalled” at the contents of the message sent to students.

“This app will not solve any consent related issues. Consent goes a lot further than the click of a button, or two clicks, or three,” he said.


Would 4 clicks do it?

Hey chicks.
Do you consent to dick?
Just click.