Mark Zuckerberg

Welcome to capitalism you pinko bastard.


The shrewd operators gave up on the social media experiment when bebo went to the wall back in the 90s.


MySpace was the peak of social media.

It’s a bit like feeling sorry for the camp guards who lost their jobs when the concentration camp shut.

These lads facilitated the near overthrow of the democratic free world.

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Yet you’ll celebrate their taxes coming into Irish coffers…that makes you a holocaust denier.

They are more like war reparations we’re taking.

Sure 390 jobs will be partially covered by natural attrition. No doubt they have a number of open pisitions all the time. And the redundancies can be made on the 5-10% people at the bottom of the performance curve. Simple.

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What are the odds on zuck and elon being on im a celeb in a few years?