Mary Lou- Taoiseach in waiting


Back in 2004 the newspapers were going gaga over this :neutral_face:

She’s having a mini mental breakdown with Pat Kenny right now.

This isn’t a publicity stunt at all!

Does she mean respectfully?

I thought part of the jobs of the Shinnerbots was proof reading?

Could be retrospectively. That would be good too…

She’s being called out correctly on twitter for hopping on the bandwagon. Ever since Paul Murphy and the water charges crowd SF mostly just seem to look for populist bandwagons to jump on. MaryLou has been very weak since becoming leader.

The nurses strike is now a populist bandwagon is it?

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She has some cheek asking poor Leo a legitimate question.

Well it’s a bandwagon that she’s happy to hop on once she’s seen the public reaction. Hardly bagfuls of political courage required.

But not a populist one? Another view is that it’s a genuine cause that an awful lot of people support. I don’t think it’s right to dismiss it as a populist bandwagon.

Is your validation of it being a genuine cause that lots of people support it? That’s dangerously close to a definition of populist


She’s not fit for purpose- lots of grass roots shinners none too pleased,at least down in this neck of the woods-mary Harney lookalike ,she’s getting bigger every day.

The electorate has spoken (again).

Mary Lou is a busted flush

Stick a pin in her

That would lead to an even bigger climate emergency and thus more leakage to the Green Party!


Q. Lovely lady or Bag?

A. Bag