Match Day Six - versus Sevco Mespil

The Mespil Huns have been liquidated and have reappeared under a new guise as Sevco Mespil. It’s fucking ridiculous that they’re allowed to remain in the top division but so be it - we’ll play the cards we’re dealt with.

TFK are in crisis. 1 win, 1 draw and 3 losses after 5 games leaves the 5-time champions in a pitiful 9th position in the 12-team league.

We often play matches on adjoining pitches to Sevco and they would usually approach us after our games to find out the result. We’ve become so shit we don’t even register on these cunts’ radar any more - they’ve literally stopped asking us our score.

I can’t contemplate losing this game. None of us can.

Team news to follow in due course.

A loss to this shower of cunts will not be tolerated by the Ultra’s.

That sounds like a threat because it is one.

Clear eyes, full heart - Can’t lose



[quote=“myboyblue, post: 721518”]A loss to this shower of cunts will not be tolerated by the Ultra’s.

That sounds like a threat because it is one.[/quote]

Shocking apostrophe.

Can we have a check in from the team as to how they feel this morning please?

Also rocko is there any truth in the rumours you are considering employing a minder for some of your more errant players?

Bereft. Empty.

BREAKING: briantinnion has been ruled out with a hamstring strain picked up at tag rugby football on Tuesday evening.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 721523”]

Bereft. Empty.

BREAKING: briantinnion has been ruled out with a hamstring strain picked up at tag rugby football on Tuesday evening.[/quote]

Reading these posts makes me want to move to Dublin and get things done*

*purely in astro turf terms.

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 721522”]Can we have a check in from the team as to how they feel this morning please?

Also rocko is there any truth in the rumours you are considering employing a minder for some of your more errant players?[/quote]

I am feeling superb today. I can pretty much guarantee a clean sheet for TFK AFC.

I met Scrunchie in the pub on Saturday night. The look of angst on his face and the bottle of lucozade in his hand meant only one thing, he must have been sick or driving. That or he was off the beer for the TFK cause and try get a win on Thursday. Another loss, and surely the big summer signing will have to be moved on to a lesser club like Sophis

So fucking proud of the lads right now.

Wonderful scenes.

A win is definitely on the horizon or around the corner or on the horizon around the corner.

[font=Arial][color="#333333"]I formally announce my resignation as co-captain, assistant to the manager & defensive coach of TFK A[/font][font=Arial]FC. It’s been an honour guys.[/font]

I looked into the eyes of my players at half-time and asked a question that was answered in thrilling fashion.

A horror-show of a first half saw us fall two down within minutes, both smart finishes, the second an expertly taken header by the skipper at the wrong end. A quick response and Scrunchie (playing in his new role up top) finished cleverly to halve the deficit. The comeback was shortlived as another soft header and another after 20 minutes extended the lead to 4-1.

At that stage it looked like curtains. The lads dug in, competed for loose ball, increased the pace and a swift counter-attack resulted in Scrunchie jinking past a defender and rifling home after a precise pass from Rocko.

The interval was a chance to regroup, to ask ourselves searching questions and to see where we want to go as a team. Losers might have folded. A lesser team would have grimly tried to hold on and try and keep the scoreline respectable. But a team of champions will always respond instinctively. As a group we knew the first half wasn’t good enough, we knew this was unacceptable to the large crowd present, and to the many more online who couldn’t be there in person. We demanded to make ourselves heard and to turn things around in the second half.
What followed was yet another thrilling moment in the storied history of TFK AFC. We scrapped for every ball. We piled on the pressure. We stood off no tackles. We harried. We hassled. We hounded them. Dex got us back into the game after 65 minutes and the gap was down to 1.

And still we pressed forward. There were no backward steps taken by men in green or purple (Bandage) as we carved out chance after chance and kept the marauding Sevco scoreless at the other end.

The final whistle came too soon to actually earn us any points but by God that mattered little in the end. To see the look of delight on the faces of the TFK ultras gathered at the pavilion end of the stadium. Tonight we restored pride in our football club and secured a 4-3 defeat when a 4-2 or 5-3 scoreline was more than possible.

We’re back.

Ah FFS. Flano check your texts.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 721529”]A win is definitely on the horizon or around the corner or on the horizon around the corner.

[font=Arial][color="#333333"]I formally announce my resignation as co-captain, assistant to the manager & defensive coach of TFK A[/font][font=Arial]FC. It’s been an honour guys.[/font][/quote]

Following a period of intensive overnight consideration I have decided not to accept this resignation. I will be working with Bandage to recalibrate and refocus his role but he will remain an integral part of my management team.

[quote=“Rocko, post: 721530”]I looked into the eyes of my players at half-time and asked a question that was answered in thrilling fashion.

A horror-show of a first half saw us fall two down within minutes, both smart finishes, the second an expertly taken header by the skipper at the wrong end. A quick response and Scrunchie (playing in his new role up top) finished cleverly to halve the deficit. The comeback was shortlived as another soft header and another after 20 minutes extended the lead to 4-1.

At that stage it looked like curtains. The lads dug in, competed for loose ball, increased the pace and a swift counter-attack resulted in Scrunchie jinking past a defender and rifling home after a precise pass from Rocko.

The interval was a chance to regroup, to ask ourselves searching questions and to see where we want to go as a team. Losers might have folded. A lesser team would have grimly tried to hold on and try and keep the scoreline respectable. But a team of champions will always respond instinctively. As a group we knew the first half wasn’t good enough, we knew this was unacceptable to the large crowd present, and to the many more online who couldn’t be there in person. We demanded to make ourselves heard and to turn things around in the second half.
What followed was yet another thrilling moment in the storied history of TFK AFC. We scrapped for every ball. We piled on the pressure. We stood off no tackles. We harried. We hassled. We hounded them. Dex got us back into the game after 65 minutes and the gap was down to 1.

And still we pressed forward. There were no backward steps taken by men in green or purple (Bandage) as we carved out chance after chance and kept the marauding Sevco scoreless at the other end.

The final whistle came too soon to actually earn us any points but by God that mattered little in the end. To see the look of delight on the faces of the TFK ultras gathered at the pavilion end of the stadium. Tonight we restored pride in our football club and secured a 4-3 defeat when a 4-2 or 5-3 scoreline was more than possible.

We’re back.[/quote]

Pride in a defeat? Youre TFK , not kilkenny footballers. The old rocko wouldnt have taken pride in a single goal victory never mind a defeat or draw

I reaffirm my intention to resign and retender my resignation letter.That said, it was amusing to see the opposition shit themselves last night as we came back from 4-1 down despite having no subs and 3 injured players (including a goalkeeper who couldn’t move through a combination of left thigh strain, right hamstring strain and general obesity issues).Definitely positive signs though.

What’s this bollox.

[size=7][font=georgia]ROCKO OUT[/font][/size]

[quote=“The Runt, post: 721535”]

What’s this bollox.

[size=7][font=georgia]ROCKO OUT[/font][/size][/quote]

Fuck off, mate.