Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

Cheers mate.

Steal any good jokes of twitter this morning?

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Jesus they’ll have some clean up over the next two days. It was still a building site yesterday.

I believe they have renovated the old nightclub area down stairs as well, but whether it will actually reopen as a nightclub remains to be seen. Location is a bit of a killer, the only people you’d attract to the nightclub are the people who are already in the bar upstairs and there isn’t really any other bars in close proximity.

I would have said exact same about their Dublin location. Only pubs near it would attract completely different crowds. As Julio said it aims to get people in door and keep for the night. Decent food in place in Dublin as well.

The guy behind it is a very shrewd operator. Interesting to see how he goes.

Doesn’t sound like my kinda place to be honest. Heard at weekend that chef from Curragower was gone to them.

Exciting times in the Limerick social scene with Teds set to reopen again as well. Badly needed choice if nothing else. Be interesting to see what they do with Ted’s, great potential there

I absolutely despise the Dublin version. Wall to wall cunts. The worst type of people you can imagine, happily queuing half an hour, to get into a half full venue, to quaff expensive cocktails while sitting in bizarrely decorated cool and trendy bar. A big selling point for the Dublin venue was a nice smoking area, they never had that in Clohesseys so be interesting to see if they have rectified that.

It doesn’t sound like the Limerick way.

Are they doing anything with da club?

Hopefully the good people of Limerick don’t buy into this bullshit. Give me a place with a nice pint and a few salt of the earth types any day over this kind of cocktail drinking, red rope crap

The beautiful people need a place to socialize for a few months too, pal.

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How is that poetry pub doing after, was it knocked down?

It reopened two weeks later as a strip club

There were women reciting poetry while peeling off their Munster jerseys in there. In the corner, a former poet watched a La Liga match on five different screens, while a lap dancer’s buttocks pressed up against his face.

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A vast improvement on the funboys and their aul poetry.


I see La Cucina are opening a spot on Henry St also, that premises has had a few different unsuccessful food joints already.

When is it opening?
I see the boardwalk market is moving to the milk market for the winter

Lovely food - hopefully it lasts, be great to have them in the city.

Saw something on twitter that they were nearly ready so mustn’t be far off

Thursday mate. As above
