Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

They already have fellas at the gate anyways, they may as well make themselves useful.


Just a slip from CHAV

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Is this open to the public or is it for guests/golfers ?The takeaway in the woodlands is a fine job.

I was in the woodlands this morning. A serious job.


Theyā€™ll be well set for outdoor dining. Saw a video from Conor Fitz showing the plans for the outdoor space.

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Seen that alright,theyā€™re some operators to be fair

Was down there yesterday with Mrs d_k (her friends had been down at it so it was as much keeping up with the Jonesā€™s as anything). :see_no_evil:

Arrived on to the gate and was told theyā€™d suspended it for half an hour as it was too busy, the queue was excessively long.

Herself refused to throw the towel in so we waited up the village before gaining access. Had the beef burger - it was savage to be fair. As well it should be for ā‚¬13. They were looking for an extra ā‚¬4 for a bit of bacon on it, cheeky cunts. I politely declined that.

ā‚¬30 in total for two beef burgers and one portion of chips, ate out of the car. Whereā€™s the mugged off thread?

Overall a 6.5 out of 10, it was nice tucker but should have just got a takeaway from Nevilleā€™s out the road instead.

Anyway, as we were leaving a 211 G Audi A6 pulls up beside us. (Kindly sponsored by Connolly Motor Group). A savage motor. Who steps out but Joe Canning, David Burke and two female acquaintances. I considered adding them as celebrity spots but demurred.

Will Joe add a similar food hut to Camile? Who knows. Theyā€™d surely come in cheaper than ā‚¬13 a pop anyway.


Atein in the car to keep up with the Jonesā€™. Is that where we are as a nation now?


13 quid for a burger :flushed:

Thatā€™s wrongā€¦ The bastards are cashing in on lockdown.


Twas a ā‚¬5 for a pint of Guinness in Ma Hogans last night. But they could have gotten double off me


Itā€™s that on Catherine Street where original Ma Hogans used to be (next to old Mollyā€™s) or is there some reincarnation somewhere else?

I know theyā€™ve been hit hard but people will be back to all these placesā€¦ 30 quid for two burgers and a portion of chips cooked in vegetable oil. Thatā€™s scandalousā€¦

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Ya Thomas Street end of Catherine Street.

If only there was a cheaper option? FFS the road passes the gate. Nobody is directing you in there. You are slipping into the permanently outraged brigade.


I didnā€™t go in there.

It was the universal ā€œyouā€ I was using and you (the you as in you prick) know it well.

I heard the icon is closed for good. Some fall from grace in the past three or four years when it was the only night club doing a good trade in limerick city.


Where did you drink it?

For a while it was the only night club in town. They had some monopoly. I remember one summer are 2012/2013 molly closed for refurbishment, the office, angle lane, sin bin were all close. I donā€™t think the library was open then. You had only the choice of a pub of the icon on a Saturday. Nancyā€™s was over 25s at that time too.

@dodgy_keeper hasnā€™t the balls to stand up to his missus, you surely know what thatā€™s like Carkie?