Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

It’s misogyny. Plain and simple.
That’s the entire staff pool at The Journal and the autocrop feature of the Limerick Post that are engaged in a concerted campaign of misogyny against her.

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Has she any chance at Mayor? I think thats about the only thing that can derail the drive for 5.

Not a chance I’d say, but you could probably say that about the majority of the field.

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I wouldn’t say she could be too confident in her councillor seat not to mind mayor.

She seems to rub everyone the wrong way. Even fellow wokies the greens are agin her

She promised me a public outdoor basketball court in Limerick and delivered, another on the way :+1:

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Heres hoping.

Will she get your #1?

I always vote Green

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Is she not Soc Dems?

She is Social Democrat yes,
Not really my cup of tea as a political party

But she’s delivering badly needed basketball courts :clap::clap:

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She is in her hoop.


Good one, although it was a lay up

She loves to court controversy.


This would be great for the city centre, although not sure exactly how they think they can triple the retail space and fill it.

That’s been circulating a while. Good to see the citizens of Limerick patrolling the streets to keep them safe from illegal immigrants.

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Chicken Hut

Pretty sure these fellas have announced various plans over the years and done nothing. I’ve no clue how you fit 300 apartments and triple the retail, unless you go up another 8 stories.

Get rid of the car parks perhaps?

God forbid.