Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

everyone aspires to it

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Theyā€™re living about 20 yards from each other these days, if heā€™s still with the missus?

Think sheā€™s fucked off alright

I saw that sheā€™s moved into a house around the corner from Elisa, a very big house, though Iā€™ve never seen Emmett around

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Done before the count starts by the looks of it.

Town needs a shake up, and he has put his money into property in town. Chatted to a few lads who were involved in NAMA who fucking hate him and say he will enrich cronies; to me, itā€™s change and he doesnā€™t have that much of the budget anyway. Letā€™s try it.

As an aside, thereā€™s a lot of people involved in Limerick politics right now who have bought in Limerick (town), but bring little enough and Iā€™d hope theyā€™d move on. The city centre is a disgrace.

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Agreed, plenty of candidates were existing councillors and must take some responsibility for the state of Oā€™Connell Street.

The new role actually comes with a 40m budget over the five years.

Moran has said a lot of the right things. With his experience you would expect him to be fairly diplomatic but he seems a bit volatile though so will be interesting to see how it plays out for him.

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with where he owns, its hugely in his own personal interest to turn around the fortunes of Oā€™Connell Street. Its all over, the top of Henry Street is a fucking war zone. Barrington Street is junkie central. There is zero reason for anybody to come into town bar going on the beer really.

For the first time I saw a squad car pull in the other day to move a junkie on from around Lana, hopefully they have been given the go ahead to start clearing them.

The street is absolutely filthy especially when it doesnā€™t rain for a few days. I donā€™t see the downside in employing a few more people to keep it some bit clean.

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Having the appetite of a whale will do that to a fella

A lad posted this about Moran on Bookfaceā€¦.

I heard about this fella before. He worked with Davy stock brokers?

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The funds have been allowed a free rein alrightā€¦but to be fair to Moran and Noonanā€¦we needed investment in the country at that timeā€¦what would have happened if the funds didnā€™t come at that time?


If itā€™s the same fella i drink with two lads who worked with him.

Insanely intelligent but not to be trusted.

Maybe heā€™s on the road to Damascus or something it seems an odd u turn on his career path.

If he isnt doing this our of some level of self interest he is probably the only politician in the country not doing so

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Big difference with him though to your average politician because heā€™s got a brain between his ears.

These cunts donā€™t change.

Whatever about the city the county will be left go to shit

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The commentariat, your Constantin Gurgdievs and Paul Somervilles who held court on Vincent Browne, said the economy would never recover, that nama would lose over ā‚¬10bn, that Paddy would be back digging roads for John Bull for eternity. Noonan and Moran put the shoulder to the wheel and saved the country while shouty Pearse was over in Greece screaming populist slogans.