Maurice Brown

I see this new user is active today, and still hasnt made a post.

Come on in, dont be shy, tell us about yourself?

Paul O Connell or Brian O Driscoll for Lions captain?

Thank you for breaking the ice! I was trying to post an image of Liz Hurley on the Auld wans thread but it kept coming up with an error.
Brian or Paul? Hmmmm…going on form they are both equal, going on leadership, past and present, I’d go for Brian. POC made some poor calls as captain in BOD absence in the past and BOD deserves another crack at it after being cruelly dumped literally out of the last tour.

Damn fine assessment maurice, you’ll fit in well around here.

To add photos you need the URL, click the insert image icon above, post it in there and you’re all set.

Now onto the bigger matters, DJ Carey, overcarrying cunt banging cat, or utter legend beloved of all true GAA men?

[quote=“mauricebrown”]Thank you for breaking the ice! I was trying to post an image of Liz Hurley on the Auld wans thread but it kept coming up with an error.
Brian or Paul? Hmmmm…going on form they are both equal, going on leadership, past and present, I’d go for Brian. POC made some poor calls as captain in BOD absence in the past and BOD deserves another crack at it after being cruelly dumped literally out of the last tour.[/quote]

Your a dickhead Maurice,O Driscoll is a whinging little shit from D4 and Paul O Connell is a member of the extended mulliance,its O Connell all the way for this lions captain thing,hed have a toughness in him that O Driscoll would lack.


Go back to talking about childrens allowance Link. At least you know what you’re talking about there. :stuck_out_tongue:

Link has been hanging around with Caoimhaion too much.

Thank you all for your warm and fridget welcomes alike.

DJ Carey…hmmm… DJ a gentleman of hurling and CLG, skilful and successful but partial to rule bending in the excitement of things especially in relation to the 4 steps rule.

[quote=“mauricebrown”]Thank you all for your warm and fridget welcomes alike.

DJ Carey…hmmm… DJ a gentleman of hurling and CLG, skilful and successful but partial to rule bending in the excitement of things especially in relation to the 4 steps rule.[/quote]

Say it maurice, just say it - DJ was a cheating cunt

Dont you dare put words in his mouth young Mac, dont you fooking dare!

Now Maurice, Ger Cushe, flaking fooking timber merchant, or one of the finest exponents of full back play this side of Brian Lohan?

[quote=“myboyblue”]Dont you dare put words in his mouth young Mac, dont you fooking dare!

Now Maurice, Ger Cushe, flaking fooking timber merchant, or one of the finest exponents of full back play this side of Brian Lohan?[/quote]


DJ was a cunt. Cushe was an artist.

Liam “The Butcher” Dunne or Gary “Sharpshooter” Kirby?

No difference, let’s put it this way, I’d rather be playing with them than against them!


This kinda fence sitting will not go well around here. Just call Liam Dunne a cunt and be done with it :smiley:

Just count up the amount of red cards they both got in big games and let that deicde.


[quote=“myboyblue”]Just count up the amount of red cards they both got in big games and let that deicde.


Or we could count the amount of times they choked in big games. We’re happy to compare :stuck_out_tongue:

This kind of plaumaus arse licking is doing you no good here Maurice,im starting to think your an arsebandit and youve only made 10 posts.Whats your opinion on Domonic from Fair City?

Maurice, did tipptops* enjoy the rugby at the weekend?

10 posts since 10 am today is alright going I think! And I don’t watch muck like Fair City thank you very much Link. It ails me that my licence fee goes on such shite as that…that and Pat Spillane on The Sunday Game FFS. Is that off the fence enough for you?

Tipp who?