McCann case

What do the other posters think about this? I find the whole frenzy around the case to be quite disturbing. One incident which seemed extremely unusual was seeing the mam getting booed on the way into getting questioned last week. The whole story since it broke a few months ago has seemed very odd. The sensationalistic nature of some of the media coverage around it has been shocking imo. In some ways it has human nature to be interested in the outcome of the case but I don’t see how a case against the parents could evrrproceed given the extensive media coverage. Perhaps Portugese laws are different to Irish laws.

Those McCanns are sick. I’m standing by my stance that they did it. I was convinced they did it from the start.

I could just imagine the guests.

“Okay next up we have a 40 year old man who get’s a kick outta kidnapping 4 year old girls, when we come back from this commercial break!!”

and next

Prior to her death, the court heard that she was planning to leave her husband and have a baby with Mr Roche.

“Up next we’ll meet the child of that affair!”