
has anyone else lost patience with the poor man’s darren huckerby?
you hear a lot of second rate fans of glasgow white stripes giving it loads about “young Aidan” and his huge potential. Fact is hes been around for a good few years and never made it. Week in week out he takes on mighty full backs from motherwell and dundee and fans of the british hoops rave about his displays. There must be something very emperors clothes about him that anyone with an objective view about football cant see. The closest to any real interest from a Premiership club came when steve bruce spoke highly of him while at wigan. Not exactly setting the world alight is it?

sure over the next few years he migh get linked with Martin O’Neill or named young player of the year in scotland etc but his much vaunted talent has yet to materialise or never existed.

He has a trick or two but no end product. Cant shoot, crosses are iffy at best. What really bugs me though is how he wastes possesion. His McGreedy nickname owes to his wasteful runs into nowhere and the fact that as a malnourished product of glasgow slums he is easily edjed off the ball.

His rating amongst glasgow celtic fans who commute from Ireland if you scratch the surface owes more to his adopted nationality than his playing skills. They identify with him as he is born in scotland but claims irish naionality. Ive no problem with that. I do wonder why people who flock to dublin airport to travel to scoland once or wice a year and then sheep shagger songs at inverness fans in scottish accents identify with this as they surely aspire to a different nationality but that is probably a different question altogether.

pity big jock isnt still alive as he was always good at taking a hands on approach to young lads and gettting some end product out of them.

Great stuff there croppy<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif

The thought just struck me

He plays for ireland but was born in another british country. He isnt much different from Neil Best and Paddy Johns and the lads really is he<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif

Whats the story with croppy and all the poor quality celtic wums?

croppy supports Celtic - he’s trying out material.