Memories of the Celtic Tiger

“Here’s 2 more pints lad,get them into ye we’re supposed to be closed.That’ll be 25 euro please”.


Thanks Tommy. How are the family?

You did it to Nash last week you hypocrite

As a response to what was being posted about somebody else in similar bother.

I don’t like doing it and I regretted it but I was just really annoyed that evening.

This case is different again though has he has no profile from sport.

There’s a lot more bad things going on in the country than to gossiping and posting about somebody you don’t know and a situation nobody really knows about either.


Stage ten and you still haven’t explained why you are cheerleading a convicted sex offender on here.

You’d think you would just come out and say I hate Donald trump but you cant can you.

This is at least 70% of your posts on the Equine thread

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