Memories of the Celtic Tiger

A barman in Adare told me they’re not to go back there.They threw a big strop in Top Chawkes a while back when they were double booked with an wedding afters.

That was bills birthday party that was doubled booked.

That’s Alison.

I believe there was an attempt at a bit of sweep sweep at the time here but it appears to have been in vain

One of his other daughters looked after me and a few more in The Goat one Saturday in December 2020 when those ridiculous time limits in pubs were in existence.

Charlie Chawke, Louis Fitz and a few more buying Sunderland back around 2006 and putting Niall Quinn in as CEO and Roy Keane in as manager was absolutely BOX OFFICE looking back. Forpadydeplasterer bolting up in The Arkle then at Cheltenham too.

Pure peak Celtic Tiger.


Any of my dealings in searsons with bill were always fine.

I can’t recall ever being in there and him not working either tbh.

There’s some amount of window lickers on this thread.


You always have a load of busy bodies when something like this happens with after timing opinions.

“I never liked him”

“He never worked a day in his life”

“He’s hated by all his friends”

“He was always on drugs”

“There’s loads of bad reports about him”

Etc etc.

Let the guards do their job and the courts. It’s nobody else’s business and invariably nobody actually knows the truth because you get a million different mashed up versions as people always want to be first with the news.

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They love doffing their caps to their betters


Lads eulogising pub owners is classic TFK.


Talking about barmen as if they were celebrities :rofl:


“Sure he’s a great lad” while he’s a millionaire charging you 7 euro for a pint of piss


Imagine grown men salivating over gossip about a young chap they’ve never met because they think he’s a few pound.

You must live a very sad life to give two fucks about a situation like that.

Paddy loves letting on he’s bessiers with the village poisoner.


Or middle aged men on tfk love to discuss idle gossip based on third hand information about people they know absolutely nothing about.

Almost like they unhappy with their own lot so they must take a bit of joy from somebody else being in a bad situation.

That would be accurate summation of what’s going on here.

And don’t forget it was @Massey who falsely claimed they were barred from pubs which they still frequent.

Can you take that back to the yanited thread?

Ya the usual suspects have been badly exposed.

Imagine giving two hoots about this sort of case.

You must truly have very sad lives.

You spend every day defending and cheerleading a sex offender in Donald trump but draw the line over a row in a hotel you have nothing to do with involving people you don’t know.

Must be some moral compass you have.