Anyone able to get a link posted here - not able to access youtube in work.
Wouldn’t mind seeing it judging by the description of it in this morning’s paper
Anyone able to get a link posted here - not able to access youtube in work.
Wouldn’t mind seeing it judging by the description of it in this morning’s paper
Good call on getting this up, brilliant goal
Superb goal wasn’t it. Saw it in the pub and couldn’t believe it. Pity it gets a nick from a defender at one point because otherwise it was flawless.
Does it remind anyone of another great Argentinian player of years past? -->
Awesome goal by Messi - love the skill out on the wing at the very start. And yeah flano it’s very like Maradona’s goal. Not gonna say which I think is better though - just enjoyed watching both of them a few times there.
[html]<object width=“425” height="356]<param name=“movie” value="]<param name=“allowfullscreen” value="true]<embed src=“” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=“425” height=“356” allowfullscreen="true]
[url=“”]Comparativa gol de Messi y Maradona
Uploaded by [url=“”]cariacolov[/html]
saw the goal last night - pure quality. Unbelievably similar to Diego’s in '86.
One of my favourite commentaries of all time is Jimmy Magee’s for that Maradona goal. From the time he picks the ball up to when the ball hit the net, the Memory Man uses just 2 words (he said them 3 times)…“Different Class” - how true he was