Michael McKevitt - No Justice No Surprise

Think about it.

Can only imagine the atmosphere (not really right word) in Belfast after his attack at the Miltown cemetery.
Placed must have been gripped in fear.

Brits saved Stone that day didnt they?

And then the British soldiers driving into the subsequent funeral cortège. There was only one way that was ending, brutal as it was.

The question I’d ask is how come Paisley was never whacked. Christ they nearly managed to whack Thatcher.

Forgot that. Must have been terrifying living in Belfast at the time

It generally wasn’t Provo policy to attack loyalists, more economic targets, institutions and military/security forces of the British state.

Lenny Murphy was taken out and a few others. Paisley was as bad as any of them.

In certain spots from what I can gather. The posh areas unsurprisingly escaped with drastically reduced death numbers.

It was a working class war on the loyalist side stoked by the middle class Unionist parties.

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Lenny Murphy was given up rather than taken out if you know what I mean.

Paisley was pure evil but loyalists weren’t really the targets for the Provos - their war was not an ethnic/civil war like it was for loyalists. Their war was with the occupation and repression by the British state and its branches.

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Was king billy given up too ?

King Rat was an INLA job but most of the top loyalists who got whacked were generally given up by the Brits or whacked by their own.

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Yeah I know INLA whacked him but thought they were given a clear run to him …he would have been a big stumbling block to the peace agreement that followed …usually the hardliners are taken out when agreement is coming down the track

Loyalist paramilitaries were effectively ran by British military intelligence.

Look about what we know about Glenanne now.


He was probably the best recruiting sergeant the IRA ever had so they were happy to let him at it.


The Lenny Murphy job was performed by the IRA in Cooperation with the loyalist leadership. The loyalists wanted him gone and proposed it to the IRA that it could beca propaganda coup for them. They gave the RA all the info and the RA popped him outside his mistresses front door one afternoon. So that was an exceptional incident.

How come Adair was never whacked?

Think about it

As his supporters say his only crime was loyalty. There’s still a target on his back from his own afaik. Poor old Doris never made it to Scotland

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How come you were never whacked?