Michael McKevitt - No Justice No Surprise

Who did they allow to plant the Bomb?

I obviously did not. He’s flailing to deflect from republicans committing atrocious acts again

The US apparently had intelligence about 9/11, failed to act, but it is pretty clear where the responsibility for that lies.

The Real IRA.

A garda informant stole the care, immediately informed his handlers of it and the intention to detonate a car bomb in Omagh. They sat on the information. Why have the Gardai responsible for this never been prosecuted?

British Intelligence had numerous informants who reported the planned attack in advance, they had listening devices in the car FFS and they allowed the attack to go ahead.

Calm down

Woah, woah, woah.

You still have not condemned it. You came on to jump in and deflect away once again of the involvement of security forces in the British and Irish state who allowed the attack to go ahead.

No condemnation from you. You’re a sick bastard.

FFG, the British Army and Klopp IIRC

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If they allowed it to happen then US intelligence has blood on their hands.

5 posts further and no condemnation from you.

You’re a despicable liar.

Ok. I was just wondering where that came from.
Seems to be a common tactic of his, the “have you stopped beating your wife?” school of rhetoric.

Ask him to show where he condemned the Gardai and British on this.

He won’t be able to show you because he hasn’t. In fact he jumped in to defend those allegations.

I’m not doubting that the Brits/Irish have blood on their hands with the intelligence failure in Omagh but Michael McKevitt lead the Real IRA who carried out the murder of so many innocent people, after the 32 counties had voted for peace.

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Intelligence failure?

Failure would imply that they made a mistake. This was intelligence strategy.

Do you think the Real IRA set out to murder 29 people that day?

I condemn the Gardai and British on this. However this is the Michael McKevitt thread. Do you condemn the Real IRA committing the Omagh bombing?

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I don’t know, I don’t care.

Facts are they left a massive car bomb in crowded town centre with no obvious ‘target’.

There was no argument over a mandate as the war had been voted down only months previously.

You’ll find I did in my first post to you on this matter.

Odd that it took 6 times for you to finally condemn it after you deflected from the Gardai and British intelligence involvement.

Do you know or care why British Intelligence and Gardai were happy to sit on information about an imminent city centre bombing where they knew the vehicle and location and do absolutely nothing to stop it?

Because they are the facts. Have the Gardai involved ever been prosecuted? They had full knowledge of the attack and the vehicle used, they decided to sit on that information? Why?

Do you not know the script by now? IRA/SF and their various incarnations were harmless chaps who never hurt anyone. All the murdering was down to the dastardly Eire and British governments and the loyalists.

I haven’t denied that the authorities have blood on their hands. The Ombudsman investigation makes that clear.

But where did the actual bomb come from and the lack of specific details in the warning? This wasn’t back in had 70’s (it would still be wrong then) - this is afternoon the country voted for peace. And you commend the leader of the group that did it?

You’re a sick fucker.

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An establishment shill who is happy for governments to murder people. Probably have a poster of Gay Byrne in your, naive fuckwit.