Michael McKevitt - No Justice No Surprise

That post demonstrates you have nothing.

Go chance your username again.

What it demonstrates is that you are a fucking halfwit who takes his views from the Sunday Independent. Religiously votes FFG because you are incapable of independent thinking and rage when youā€™re challenged on that type of docile thinking.

Iā€™ll ask you this and weā€™ll see your sanctimony for all it is.

What did you think of Michael Collins?

You probably wonā€™t have the balls to answer this.

Are you okay?

Run along junkie. Grown ups are talking here.

You still havenā€™t done the honourable thing and left the forum? Too much fun presumably hanging around here and cheerleading for the murdering IRA scum that perpetrated the Omagh atrocity.

No, you are shouting people down. Thatā€™s not discussion.

Are you okay?

Donā€™t give a toss what you think. Run along.

No balls @farmerinthecity

For ffs sake, @totti. Youā€™ve misjudged this one buddy. So much so that no other rastooler has come in to help.
Time to get the pmā€™s going.

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  1. Do you condone a drink driver who smashes into an innocent family and kills them all because ā€œthey never set out to do itā€?
  2. Are you seriously alleging that the gardai set out that day with the intention of 29 innocent men women and children be blown limb from limb quite literally?
    You are not right in the head, seriously.

Donā€™t need support.

Iā€™ll let the free state hypocrites who eulogise their sectarian killers have it both barrels when they dare to lecture on sanctimony of a conflict that had no impact on their lives.

Didnā€™t say that.

But for those who think what the Real IRA did was worse than state intelligence in the Free State and British State - that takes some sort of sociopathic thinking.

The British State and Free State were happy to let Omagh happen.

Why do you think nobody has ever been prosecuted?

I canā€™t argue with that kind of blind dogma.
Whoever had any role in planting that bomb deserves a miserable life and death.

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Yet you wonā€™t comment on state intelligence sitting back in full knowledge of what was happening and allowing it to happen.

The Real IRA was riddled with informants. Both states were happy for Omagh to happen and thatā€™s the biggest crime of all.

This is the type of thinking of a sociopath. What consequences were there for the Gardai who sat on the information that a carbomb was being detonated in Omagh?

Omagh shocked me to the core. I canā€™t remember now but was there supposed to be a warning?

Ireland, as a whole, me included, had voted for the GFA. McKevitt & co should have stood down but you ask a fair question as regards Collins.

My personal belief is that Brit Int and the Free State security services were content to let it go in the belief that it would devastate any support for dissident republicanism. A calculation that proved to be not entirely misplaced.

As for McKevitt - he was a hardcore republican. Without people like him thereā€™d never have been a 26 counties. He fought on.

I have to give him respect thoā€™ I think as I said previously, he should have stood down after the GFA.


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+1 on all of that.

Omagh was rotten but no different to any other miscalculated bombing.

The real question was why were both state intelligence services either site of the border so eager to do nothing on a serious terrorist threat of which they had quite detailed intel on.

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The brits ran everything.

Bobby Storey has Castlereagh robbed to wipe out informers. They had to pardon them all cos there was too many to handle. Belfast was riddled.

Martin had Derry under control. Sure he was spilling the beans since the Mrs was caught with a car boot full of guns.

Kevin McKenna publicly disagreed with the East Tyrone Brigade strategy??? Strange they were wiped out.

Only lads they couldnā€™t get close to was South Armagh. Try telling them the war was over.

Baltic Exchange, Bishopsgate, Canary Wharf,

The brits were freaked. Martin and Gerry couldnā€™t tell them what was going on and London was being blown up.

The war could have been won.

By farm boys.

Could have took down an empire

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