
Didn’t ye give Armagh a run in the quarters of '03?

I recall Joe Higgins doing reasonably well on Stephen McDonnell…

We did. But we took some hidings too. Thats why the players wanted to try do more weights and develop a system as was the case with the Northern teams. Even Kerry adapted. But Micko had his way, and I don’t blame him or begrudge him. He wasn’t for changing.

The hungry cunt never paid for the kit Kat either

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I bet he never paid McCreery for that fun size last night either.


You’ll love this one lads



this programme paints a horrible picture of Mick Dwyer

You’re a horrible picture.

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According to Brolly, Micko said the greatest player he had play for him was the Bomber.

Sorry @myboyblue

Micko made that soft pudgy fucker the player he was. The rest of us arrived fully formed.

Jesus the way you were falling and flopping about during the drill in that clip you could have fooled me!

I was leading that wire to wire mate. I felt for poor Woolie though, where did they even pull that clip out of.

Micko had the franchise for Supermacs in Tralee. Place was doing very well, it was centre of the town, would be rammed after nights out etc. Anyway Micko decided that Pat McDonagh was making money for jam off him with the franchise fee and turned it into a “Mickos” chipper instead. Place was closed about a year later.


That lad sounds like some simpleton

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He’s part of the horsey horse set, what would you expect?

Go way…

The Stewart.


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