Midlife Crisis

By the gist of today’s maudlin report you’d get the feeling the answer, to paraphrase Buff, was:

Reject, Reject, Reject…

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You think she sentenced his request to deletion?

I’m not too sure how that yoke works. I’m assuming, loosely, that the request was met with scornful negativity and therefore rejected/denied/deleted or whatever signifies a polite FOAD in that world.

The answer was yes. B

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Hence midlife crisis

Hang tough mate, these dark days will pass, everyone goes through them.

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I was.

As the years went rollin by
I grew up and moved away
Had to earn my my pay
Found another lover then but
My heart was sad to say
It only ended up the same way
I wondered was I destined
To live my life alone
Oh girl you’ve answered my question
This time its workin
You’ve given me a new hope

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You left out a word mate

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My misses thought she was been wolf whistled a while back
But when she turned back it was only the neighbour calling the dog

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A lot of folks are getting exposed badly during this Covid business, fellas who are all about work and money and too busy to do anything else or have fucked people over and have no friends or loved ones to fall back because they may not have made the effort over the years are now Sticking out like sore thumbs, they should look at it like a glimpse into their future when they retire etc and have no one to spend their days with, now is the time to make amends and see this time as a gift,
The clock has been reset, don’t fuck it up again!!


Did you ever consider the priesthood?


No but I’m very friendly with a Christian pastor

Or coming down in an alien spacecraft and stopping all the machinery.

Is that what’s been happening

Or bullet points

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I’ve been trying to tell lads you ne zen for ages. There’s still time.

Time is an illusion, sure any half assed Buddhist wannabe has that bate into him from the get go. I’m surprised you can even spell zen.