I always thought all these were the same but bought a bottle of Nash’s (all that was available) at lunchtime and it is horrible.
I am always wary of the tap water content of these ever since watching the Peckham Spring episode of Only Fools.
I always thought all these were the same but bought a bottle of Nash’s (all that was available) at lunchtime and it is horrible.
I am always wary of the tap water content of these ever since watching the Peckham Spring episode of Only Fools.
there is different levels of sodium, calcium and magnesium in bottled water… supposidley riverrock water produced by coca cola is one of the worst for you although i find it quiet nice
just had a quick glace at empty bottle of riverrock, ballygowan and centra water bottles i have here and see the ballygowan have 114 mg/l of calcium compared with 40 in riverrock and 41.8 in centra while riverrock has 30.5 mg/l of magnesium and ballygowan only 16 with centra having 13.1…
ill drink tap water at home but while living in limerick wouldnt touch the tap water nor would i drink it out of any town scheme from the tap
Ballygowan is definately the best tasting water on the market. Ballyfermot tap water isn’t far behind though, I’d drink around four pints of that a day.
I’d say they put Methodone in the water out there do they?
Nope, it’s actually pure heroin they put into it. This makes hundreds of water addicts search for methodone programs to beat the addiction, thus Pharmacists make a healthy profit.
Water, water everywhere, so lets all have a drink :mad:
Calcium = 20.4
Magnesium = 4.79
=> piss
Evian is your only man.
It’s shite, you can taste the cardboard off it,
Congratulations farmer on a thoroughly disinteresting thread, although I am probably drinking too much Nash’s - they serve it where I go for lunch most days. Must stick to the Lucozade.
Dasani is the business. So what if its tap water in a bottle (rumours are its Ballyfermot water)
Evian is naive spelt backwards
Don’t read it if you’re not interested.
And certainly don’t comment saying that you are not interested.
Well I had to click into it to see what it was actually about, it could have been about some super new band called Mineral Water. Plus I couldn’t deprive myself of the opportunity of reading all the witty responses.
[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Don’t read it if you’re not interested.
And certainly don’t comment saying that you are not interested.[/QUOTE]
In fairness farmer you should probably be banned for this thread.
Cameron Diaz washes her face, and God knows what else, in that stuff. Apparently she suffers from woeful acne.
Imagine - buying bottles of water to wash yourself in.
Naive certainly.
Nash’s water tastes like piss.
The world needs to know.
[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Cameron Diaz washes her face, and God knows what else, in that stuff. Apparently she suffers from woeful acne.
Imagine - buying bottles of water to wash yourself in.
Naive certainly.[/quote]
Naive? Rich would be more appropiate.
[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Nash’s water tastes like piss.
The world needs to know.[/QUOTE]
Then why not title the thread “Nash’s water tastes like piss” to save us the hassle of reading all this gash?