Missing Girl in Portugal

Anyone else noticed how the British media are turning this into an incompetent Johnny Foreigner police force?

Same line they take on everything - be it a murder in the Australian outback, football violence on the continent, stabbing in Bulgaria. It’s always the silly foreign police who can’t solve a crime.

The patronising tones they’re adopting are suggesting that the case would be solved now if they’d only go the British (i.e. proper) way about doing things.

I just happened to be watching some trash tv this morning, namely GMTV, where they had sent a presenter to Portugal. From the outset it seemed all they were going to do was attack the Portuguese police force and talk about how delighted they were that two British experts had been sent over to help out. Things got interesting when they brought their own expert into the frame. He totally disagreed with what was being said and said he was very impressed with the way in which the Portuguese police force had dealt with the situation and furthermore said things would have been dealt with exactly the same in the UK.
And another fact is that the Portuguese police have their hands tied by Article 86 of their “processo penal”
which states information must not be released, apart from in exceptional circumstances.

All this bullshit is distracting people from the issue at hand, a little girl has gone missing.

Exactly Flano. There’s a girl missing but the media can’t help themselves with their little digs at the Portugese system - all this patronising crap about how they’d do it differently themselves. The family are complaining that they haven’t been told who the suspect is. Well what if it’s the father of the girl? Would they still tell the family?

Is it irresponsible parenting to go out and leave children unattended like that, even if they were close by, or is it no different to a couple sitting out in their back garden in the summer having a few drinks together while their children sleep in the house? Obviously it’s impossible to legislate for an evil fook who’d abduct a child but part of me feels they should have arranged a babysitter. How can you feel your children are safe in this day and age, especially in a foreign area that you aren’t familiar with? I really hope she’s found safe and well.

On the six o’clock beeb news headlines they had a reporter following a police around and asking him why he failed to look in a lock shed when the girl could have been put in there. Really doubt this sort of questioning would have been asked of a British policeman in similar circumstances. The patronising nature of the coverage is hardly helping the police but lets hope she is found soon.

Strange case in Edinburgh with this child going missing

What’s the latest?

Nothing really.
Story still stands as the mother put the child to bed at 9pm, checked him at 07:15 the next morning and he was gone with no sign of a break-in or damage.

[quote=“TreatyStones, post: 889116, member: 1786”]Nothing really.
Story still stands as the mother put the child to bed at 9pm, checked him at 07:15 the next morning and he was gone with no sign of a break-in or damage.[/quote]

Sounds very odd alright. Every parents worst nightmare. You’d be fearing the worst at this stage

No shit, Fran

You’d make some detective Fran. “We’ve got absolutely no leads it’s very odd. It’s your worst nightmare really as a parent. You’d have to fear the worst at this stage. Time to move on.”

Everybody can speculate Tess but I know fuck all about the specifics of the case.

You’re a bit testy this evening, Fagan. I hope Deirdre comes along soon to fluff your pillows for you

Body found, mother in custody :frowning:

Thought that would be the likely outcome. Too much of the story didn’t stack up. Terrible case.

Ah shit. Was hoping from the police reports this would be a rare case that turned out differently. Body was found at or near the boy’s aunt’s house.

I knew one of the parents would be involved

You should have let the police know.

And yet you never said…

I told the police in Scotland, glad to see my tip off came to something :clap: