Missing members

I’m only familiar with tried and trusted brands like Farah. How’s the moderationing going in the meantime?

It’s fairly slack.


It could be farah better

Nylon the head

Sign in @Tassotti

His last post was this pearl of wisdom

@codegreen sign in. I hope all is well. I know you hate my guts but I’d a wonderful experience today in a bookies when I dropped a slip going out the door and cashier called me back and pointed it out. I thought of you immediately. It was a decent thing to do. I hope you are well and will be back on here pissing lads off soon.


It’s time to rouse the official starter of the Christmas festivities. An awkward situation may arise should he fail to show as the jostling for the role would prove unseemly.
Sign in @Rintintin.

haven’t heard from @Pikeman in a while.

He better make a better effort than last years hit and run copy and paste.

He is alive & well. Open your PM’s.

I’ll take one mate

@Rintintin has sent out his Xmas e-cards.

Not to me he hasnt

You’re worse

Worse than what you Cark weirdo?

For engaging you tan bastard.

It’d take a Cark royalist forelock tugger to recognise one alright.

1 Like

I’m drinking a Jameson’s here.


Enjoy it mate. :+1:
I’m in bed. School in the morning :frowning: