Missing members

Leave him off, he’s had a rough night

Unrale. Off out to Zippit now with Ben & Jerry.


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Is Zippit some sort of Cork thing?

And some hand sanitizer.

:hot_face: :hot_face: :hot_face:

They have two others up the country too afaik.

One in Kilkenny one in Dublin

Great fun

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I’m no longer in that country but if I was, I’d drive up to Gosford and commence a door to door enquiry such is my concern for my former compatriot and fellow A League fan @Fitzy. @Chucks_Nwoko also seems to be missing in action apart from providing winners on his NFL blog I don’t hear from him. Is he ok I wonder?

He stepped away voluntarily iirc, flagged it and all

He’s no real loss to be fair, I think we’d all agree on that

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@ChairmanDan I hope you’re well and the family is well. We disagreed on much but I’m sure you’re not the worst on here.

This isn’t looking good

He was a big sow of a Prop wasn’t he? Ticked a few boxes.

You will regret that post if the poor man is unwell

I’m sure he’s grand.

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Don’t forget the Asthma.

He had pleurisy a couple of years ago, made a decent recovery under the circumstances

On this night, four years ago, @Steven_Naimsith died.


You’ll rue the day you wrote that factually correct post on an anonymous forum :rofl:

I’m hedging that he’s not 85+ years old.