Mobile phone problem

keep getting sent pictures from some crowd and i am getting charged 3 euro a wallop…they come as a service message with a web address but no way i can respond to them apart from downloading the photo…

anyway i can get rid of them…

who are you getting them from ?

i don’t know…would like to say they are erotic but they are too shit to be even classed as that…

Are they of Flano?

Find out who the service provider is (it should say it) and ring them.

If you haven’t subscribed ring Comreg and complain.

one of the lads thought it would be smart to text one of these numbers…not sure whether he subcribed for anything or not…

the address is

just tried to log onto it but i don’t have a log in

One of the lads, eh?

in case you haven’t noticed already bandage i have no shame…if it was me then i would admit it…not as if any of the other perverts on here know me…

you need to contact your operator and get them to tell you who is charging you. They should also be able to advise what number you need to text to stop it and what you need in the text. If they wont help, tell them that you have no way of stopping it apart from cancelling your phone, so you would like to speak to someone about that.

might give 02 a buzz tomorrow…i wouldn’t mind paying the 3 euro a go if they were half decent pictures but they are shit…what with the recession and all i can’t afford to be wasting 12 euro a week on this shit…

Had something similar happen before, ring O2 and tell them the craic. They’ll give you a number to ring (could be comreg) and tell will sort it for you straight away.

Wasn’t there legislation brought in that says all you have to do is text stop to the number and they have to stop sending them and charging you?

From an O2 forum:
“These are premium text messages which you may have subscribed to. Usually, when you get these messages, you can cancel the subscription by replying STOP to the 5 digit number.”

Have you tried this?

[quote=“The Puke”]keep getting sent pictures from some crowd and i am getting charged 3 euro a wallop…they come as a service message with a web address but no way i can respond to them apart from downloading the photo…

anyway i can get rid of them…[/quote]

just reply with STOP and the measages will stop, as per regtel legislation

Puke = myboyblue:D

thats the problem…the messages are coming as service messages to my WAP so i don’t have a number to reply to…when i go to my options once i recieve the message all it allows me to do is download the message or gives me the web link(source)…