
We never had a fucking chance really. Are Waddingtons part of MI6? We were conditioned from the age of 6 to accumulate as many properties as we could and build fucking hotels on them. Then when we do it in real life we go fucking wallop. We should sue the cunts.

I’m developing a board game called Anglo where the winner ends up with his family home and no borrowings.

Try not to worry too much about it FOD, as long as you’ve a few rashers in the fridge for the morning all’s well.

And the price of a chinese one to massage his prostrate.

Guess Who was a great game.

Is it a man? Does he have glasses? Does he have brown hair? Is it Bernard?

Yes. Fuck you. 3-0 to me.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 724289”]Guess Who was a great game.

Is it a man? Does he have glasses? Does he have brown hair? Is it Bernard?

Yes. Fuck you. 3-0 to me.[/quote]

Bernard didn’t have glasses. You might be thinking of Theo.

Are you referring to the American version, Rocko?