More GAA Shame

The perpetrator missed a trick in not dropping to the ground, holding his face and rolling around the ground likeā€™d been shot, after the fact.

Alleged incident in Sixmilebridge?

club gaa far more dangerous game than club rugby and itā€™s not even close

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Correct. This will end badly.

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What happened?

That physio is a bit of a clipe

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Jack was no more unconscious. He was feigning a lack of consciousness.

That physio ignited a bad situation. Hell get his cough softened some day

:popcorn: ā€¦


Desperate stuff

Is the victim still in hospital?

Shocking Iā€™ve had it verified from a very close source

Bizarre behaviour

Summat to do with the bank?


That was summat else then

I know a few people from Sixmilebridge and they all pretty much despise the Auctioneer.

Lot of resentment over some of the clients heā€™s brought into the area too

No call at all for what went on there by all accounts