More GAA Shame

But he has a criminal record for breaking the law, not only did he break the law on a motoring offence but when questioned about it in court under oath, he knowingly told blatant lies about it and got caught out. I canā€™t see where the sympathy comes into it. Fair enough to chance your arm and try and get off a motoring offence but at least have the decency to recognise that a judge has far superior intelligence and not try and fill him full of shit while pledging to tell the truth. He got a criminal record through absolute stupidity. Thereā€™s no sympathy for that.

Yeah, I get you there. Fair comment.

Poor Pat was the sacrificial lamb.

No more Whingy Kiely, Iā€™d be christening him Creepy John now for letting this happen under his watch.

Heā€™s a company man now.

You reckon?


Itā€™s a shame he wasnā€™t a more important member of the panel and only committed GBH. Heā€™d have had the big house backing he needed then.

In fairness though, whilst he was stupid, I suspect he was advised to take this line, which has worked for hundreds before him. As for perjury, donā€™t make me laugh. Just about every trial in Ireland has someone committing perjury. Did Maria Bailey give evidence under oath?
Two weeks in jail is just the judge in a bad humour. The Allen man from ballymaloe got no time for sponsoring child rape.


It was a WhatsApp that done him. Schoolboy error

Fucking phones

Fucking telling lies under oath.

The gobshite swore under oath that he didnā€™t receive a speeding notice. Then he sent a copy of it into a WhatsApp group.

I wonder who the snitch was?

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Ah shtapppp

Which one of his buddies shopped him to the fuzz youā€™d wonder

Which one of the Limerick lads was it throwing the punches in New York the night Gillane was showcasing his filmmaking skills?



Please tell. The suspense is killing me.

Reading between the lines here from the slightly longer reports in todays papers, I surmise what happened to be as follows. Pat the Perjurer gets a speeding notice in the post. He takes a picture of it and sends it to third party, a guard, and asks for advice. Guard tells him lie through his teeth in court. Subsequently there is a broader investigation of the guard whose phone is searched. And it all comes out.


All this over 3 penalty points and ā‚¬80 as it was then (trust me, I know). This smacks of blatant entitlement and the Jimā€™ll Fixit culture. This lad has been hooked at the crucial time and left with his togs down round his ankles. You couldnā€™t keep up to some of them hurler lads, theyā€™re full of oulā€™ divilment.


And all he had to do was leave the gear bag on the back seat.

Are you implying that the boot was full of something else?