More GAA Shame

Gambling is the word on the grapevine; the ex wife was part of the Milford team that would have won multiple club All Irelands.

Why is the victim who’s been swindled here been effectively ostracised from the GAA community?


cc @Malarkey

A real classy guy

They take their hurling very seriously in Kilkenny, so much so as to defend a mildly successful coach ahead of a gullible local hurler


Gambling is a curse. The fact that lads cannot watch a sporting event without a financial interest is sad.


Gambling is at the heart of this as is often the case with these type of stories. I know Jimmy and he is an alright sort. While it was a terrible thing to do i think a jail sentence is really harsh. A sad story for everyone involved


From the article it looks like he’ll be in jail for 6 months from June 1st so will be a loss to Ballyhale.

Meagher was held in very high regard as a coach in Clare. Was seen as a big loss when he left, although I always thought it strange he too it in the first place

He doesnt come across as anything near an alright sort in that article but if he had a gambling problem it explains his behaviour


Where is he from originally? It’s a real Tipp name Meagher?

He might be out for the celebrations after beating Stillorgan Crokes in the Leinster Final

Freshford born and reared according to the article posted by @peddlerscross above

Freshford. Was in college with the man. I’d say it’s gambling. A real shame as he is/was a great coach and a likeable sort but that doesn’t excuse his behaviour.

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That’s fair enough. Gambling is a curse and makes good people do bad things. Its unfortunate that there wasn’t a way of getting Jimmy to pay the money back without putting him in jail.

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You’d wonder how many he tapped up.

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John said he was surprised to be told just before the March hearing that Meagher had paid €41,000 into court to compensate him but he has yet to receive this money. “I am annoyed at how naive and trusting I was but most importantly I am heartbroken for my family around me who have suffered as a result of the actions of others,” he said.

If the money is paid back - or the vast majority of it at least - it mitigates the severity of the crime IMO.

Still a terrible thing to do to anyone, never mind a pal.

Not true, as someone from Freshford said to me this morning. And that remark is all I am saying on this awful matter. There are no winners here.


Shocking thing to do. The fellas head ‘John’ seems to be wrecked from the whole affair.
Made worse for him I’d say by Meagher seemingly going around living a great normal life the whole time.