More GAA Shame

From where are you getting that inane take? I have not come across a single person defending this carry on – either in the abstract or in this particular case.

I am not aware of any county in Ireland, within and without GAA circles, where addiction to gambling is not a major issue. If people are so badnatured as to think a case of this kind offers them a platform for vulgar inanities, so be it. They have to carry that bad nature, not anyone else.


There should really be education in school about gambling. I’m not talking about a leaving cert subject here but a few classes that they make compulsory, and preferably leave an outside expert talk about it instead of the teachers (same as you’d see an outside expert brought in to talk about owls or something). Gambling is fine if you can do it responsibly but some people are going into it blind without doing the right due diligence and their character traits lead them then to keep chasing and chasing and doing stuff like this. I was brought up understanding it properly bit by bit and respecting the dangers of it but you often see some people being successful in other areas whether it be GAA or some other career and they are not expecting to be bad at something.


Someone that should know better.

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He should but I’m not surprised.

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Schools do get in lads to talk about gambling addiction. However, you cant put everything back on schools. Parents must educate, clubs must educate.


Good point - an U16 or U18 team would be an even better place to do it than a school. Lads into sports are more likely to fall into problems it seems and they are right at that age range then to start making mistakes. I wouldn’t be too critical of parents as they mightn’t have a breeze about gambling themselves but juvenile clubs can get in outside speakers.

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I know a lot of young GAA players. A lot of them who operate at a serious level for club or county gamble. And gamble a lot imo.
I put it down to the fact that it is because they don’t really socialise every week as in going out to the pub etc. so they end up sitting in and with a lot of time and a few pound on their hands.
So one of their releases is gambling.

Where I used to work we had a lot of lads gambling. Some, to me, seemed fair enough. A few pound here and there on football results or both teams to score, that type of thing. But then other lads are doing the same but doing it daily on leagues all over the world.
And then there were a few that used to gamble like mad.
I remember on one night out I was in the company of a lot of fellas, and I was seen as the odd one out cause I didn’t gamble at all. I was practically defending myself for it. They thought I was mad especially seeing as I had such an interest in sports.


Disappointing. I do not recall any GAA journalist going for a similarly vulgar line after a not dissimilar 2017 court case.


It’s very simple. They should ban on line gambling in my opinion.

Bookmakers should be bookmakers and not casinos. If you want to have a bet you go to a bookmakers.

I love gambling and thinks it gets an awful lot of shit thrown at it for no reason but it definitely needs to be regulated better. Per example you have fellas bankrupt the country betting on stocks and various share prices but having a bet on a horse race is seen as much worse.


People are gambling more now because you can do it on your mobile.

It’s as simple as that.


I was never a big gambler but haven’t laid a bet since January 2020. You’d be stressed out watching sporting events with it. And the house always wins.


Exactly. I know the man in question and it’s awful what’s happened. And I know that is the tip of the iceberg but I agree completely. It’s all about getting a headline and your name out there.

Absolutely. I know that full well. I knew a fella was and probably still is a gambling addict. He used to lose the shirt of his back on a lunch break or when he would head off on a toilet break. He would tell you that himself.


I would make it illegal for people to gamble under 25 years of age. A lot of lads get exposed to gambling in late teens/early 20s.


Ya exactly and I’m pro gambling and I bet a lot on horse racing but 95 percent of my bets are in shops and it’s the best thing that ever happened to me.

Betting on a phone is risky business for anyone.


Ah its not. There is a big difference between people having a bet on grand national and lads who are compulsive gamblers.

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Maybe I’m out of touch but if online gambling was
Banned id say the issue would be sorted for the majority.

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It was a tongue in cheek comment rather than anything to be taken seriously. The victim himself seems to feel however that he has been ostracised by the local community, or probably more accurately some within same.

You’d need to go very deep with it so to tie it down to what gambling is.
The lotto, scratch cards would be forms of it too and lads will gravitate towards that if they can’t bet on horses or sport.
And with the internet lads can gamble outside of the country now and not even use the local bookie or an app.