More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Great way to round up lads for a day session. Maybe have training around 10, perfectly set up for an after noon start.

Tonight with Miriam. She just had Nuala Carey and two other weather people on. The worst of all time. They each explained how they got into the weather. Nuala is still single which was main purpose of watching to the end. Every time she is interviewed about anything it comes up.

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Nualaā€™s whatā€™s known as a dolly bird :smiley: sheā€™s not met at all. Who else was on?

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Some fella from Monaghan called Gerry and another young lady who normally looks like a minx on the weather but didnā€™t look well tonight.

All three were single as it happened

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Was up there myself:astonished:

Will do it next year

It was beautiful up there today. Got a lovely show of a peacock giving it the full plume to a peahen, youngsters loved it. Poor fucker got nowhere mind you.

Cunts walking on the wrong side of the road. Folk donā€™t seem to realise how dangerous it is, especially windy rural roads. Was going around Adare today on one of those roads, came to a sharp bend. And thereā€™s this daft bint with her back to me, well out from the hedge & walking on my side, had to swerve to avoid her. I wasnā€™t going fast luckily but itā€™s a minor miracle I didnā€™t hit her. If there was a car coming against me I would have been fucked.

All because the stupid ghoul doesnā€™t know to walk on the left and face on-coming traffic, not half way out in the road with your back to them.

?? :yum:


and itā€™s gowl, not ghoul.


Meh, pedantics.

Just spotted this lying on a table in a local cafeā€¦

Holee Fuck



Just when you thought his cuntyness couldnā€™t get any worse. The lady thing anyone wants to read about on a Sunday is George Hook wearing panties. Heā€™s some fucking dose.


Thatā€™s small fry in comparison to selling your mothers house while she was dying with cancer, and then crying about on TV.

Heā€™s an exceptional cunt.


log to the appropriate thread.

George Hook and Niamh Horan in the same place at the same time. Where was that Muslim young lad wth the AK-47 when he was needed most?


The way Waterford people pronounce ā€˜ouā€™ in words, e.g.:
around = ah-rawend
about = ah-bawet

Itā€™s fucking horrible.




Mary Lou Mcdonald. Sheā€™s a grotesque looking woman.

Sheā€™s a Fenian Princess, mate.


That might well be the case, but sheā€™s fucking bet looking.

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