More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Is U-16 now but will not be U-17 next year? What am I not getting here?

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Changes in 2018. He wonā€™t get on next year and his year for minor he is now ineligible?

Affects all under 16s

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If he ups his game heā€™ll be alright


There is talk that they will run a one off all Ireland u18 competition alongside the new u17 minor in 2018. Seems to be the only fair solution.



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Stay away from me you sleeveen fuck.

George Hook, the oulā€™ grumpy cunt, on an ad on Radio 1 eulogising some ā€œhomecare packageā€ or other.

It goes along the lines of ā€œsuper care in your own home/environmentā€ and fully deserving of all this love & attention.

The irony of it all from the pumpkin headed arsewipe. Iā€™m seething that the cunt probably charged a fee as well.


Well done Boxty, proper likebait there and I have fallen for it.

Pumpkin Headed ā€¦

Thereā€™s no probably about it, that gout suffering cunt has no shame [quote=ā€œBoxtyeater, post:1781, topic:20929, full:trueā€]
George Hook, the oulā€™ grumpy cunt, on an ad on Radio 1 eulogising some ā€œhomecare packageā€ or other.

It goes along the lines of ā€œsuper care in your own home/environmentā€ and fully deserving of all this love & attention.

The irony of it all from the pumpkin headed arsewipe. Iā€™m seething that the cunt probably charged a fee as well.

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I cycled 24 miles into a fucking gale today. Started in rain. Further weather events included hailstones, a squall like a mini hurricane and a fucking snowstorm. It would have blown you uphill, the wind, the whole way there.
I got on my bike in a blanket of hail to return home this afternoon, only to find the wind had switched exactly 180 degrees, and was now gusting 40miles an hour into my teeth the whole fucking way.
I was so angry at this development Iā€™m still seething now as I sit in bed.
And the weather forecast predicted a moderate westerly and dry, so I was in short fucking sleeves.
Iā€™m fucking livid.


A cunt living up the road from my parents house in Limerick City, who pays for nothing but has the best of everything in the house due to dealing heroin - and a lot of of it, had that cunt Cian Prendivilleā€™s poster on his sitting room window looking across from her house.

Now this cunt has never worked a day in his miserable life, yet is sticking the two fingers up to the rest of that area with his carry on, and the AAA shit.

Some fucking joke, same house was raided three weeks ago by the drugs squad with sniffer dogs etcā€¦they broke in the front door the whole lot.

None of these cunts with known backgrounds should be given free houses like that.


Mugged off good and proper by the weather. Youā€™re not the first. You wonā€™t be the last.

Youā€™re gone out of Galway too long pal.

Would have only being a spring breeze to you back in the day Iā€™m sure.

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heā€™s entitled to it

You mug. All that on no sleep for the last two nights. Asking for trouble. Is the car crocked?

No Iā€™m fucking crocked. Itā€™s the unfairness of it that rankles. I got back on my bike looking forward to being blown home and became increasingly angry with every blowback.

Having to get wisdom teeth removed.

General rule when cycling a bike. Whatever way you think the wind is blowing, it is usually the opposite.