Mosquitos in Ireland?

What’s the craic with this? I was down in Waterford last Sunday and I got bitten alive by the fookers, had to apply camoline lotion like I was Eric Cartman with Chickenpox. I’m also just after splatting one of them against my wall just before I started writing this message.

What’s even more fooked up is that I was talking to an Irish bird in Barcelona over the weekend we got talking about the huge cockroaches in her mountain hostel, I broght up my fly bites and she claimed that there is no mosquitoes to be seen in Spain (she was living there about three months). Weird, are they migrating for the lovely weather in Ireland or what?

im afraid us fingalians will have to take responsibility for them - miles talbot brought a number of flowers & plants back from his estate in Australia to the botanical gardens in beautiful malahide. unfortunately he brought the little buggers back with him too - still if the rest of ireland suffers for fingal to maintain its beauty then its a small price to pay

The Gardens as they exist today were largely created by Lord Milo Talbot in the years 1948 to 1973 and cover an area of over 8 ha - 6.5 ha of shrubbery and 1.5 ha of Walled Gardens. An emphasis has been placed on the cultivation of plants from the Southern Hemisphere - many species and varieties collected by Lord Talbot. Genera which are particularly well represented are Olearia, Azara, Escallonia, Pittosporum, Syringa, Hypericum, Clematis, Euphorbia, Nothofagus, Salvia and Berberis. The collection continues to be expanded with the addition of new species and varieties. Assistance was received from the ERDF grant through the Great Gardens of Ireland Restoration Programme.

I was down near the river yesterday loading up stuff into the car in the pouring rain and a mosquito got into the car. I could hear the cunt buzzing as soon as I closed the doors. By the time I killed him he had bitten the fuck out of me. Mainly the head and hands

I absolutely despise the little bastards.

Did you wrap up the body before throwing it in?

You’re some man for resurrecting old threads. I don’t know what Rocky would do without you.

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Probably a midge

It was either him or you, id say it twas some struggle.

As my oul boss in Glasgow used to say to me,
“the only good thing about the midge, is they keep the English out of the Highlands”

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There’s one here. I’m sure of it. I can hear the sinister wee bastard.

The worst cunts going. I’d get bad reactions to them (well, all insects really, midges ruined many summers for me as a young lad). I suppose you could call it a bit of an allergy. The fuckers killed me when I lived in Montreal for a few months. Eye was swollen over because of one on the eyelid, and ankle swelled over my tackie because of another down there. The marks they leave take months to go.

I’m ate alive the last few days. Getting me in the face at night the bazzards. I’ve killed hundreds but they keep coming back in droves.

You’d think they’d prefer home grown food. There’s so much of it around these days.

Have tried closing the window?

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Yea, but the wife keeps opening it at night. The funny thing is 5-10 years ago she used be ate alive and they never touched me. Now it’s the other way around. I can’t understand it.

I’m painting at the moment as well. Very annoying.

There’s a solution staring you in the face.

Close the windows and get suffocated by the paint fumes?

Never ever discount the idea of a Separation or Divorce

It’s the menopause. She’s overheating. I feel sorry for her.

Divorce it is so