MS Word Macro Query

Anybody handy with these?

Looking towards you Cluaindiuic…

[quote=“The Runt”]Anybody handy with these?

Looking towards you Cluaindiuic…[/quote]

What you trying to do Runt

I know fuck all about them really. But I want to edit one which inserts an image into the top left have corner of a word document. I just want it to insert a different image.

This is the line of code I reckon I need to change:

WordBasic.FormatParagraph LeftIndent:=“0 cm”, RightIndent:=“0 cm”, Before:=“0 pt”, After:=“0 pt”, LineSpacingRule:=1, LineSpacing:="", Alignment:=0, WidowControl:=1, KeepWithNext:=0, KeepTogether:=0, PageBreak:=0, NoLineNum:=0, DontHyphen:=0, Tab:=“0”, FirstIndent:=“0 cm”

WordBasic.Insert “logo”

[quote=“The Runt”]I know fuck all about them really. But I want to edit one which inserts an image into the top left have corner of a word document. I just want it to insert a different image.

This is the line of code I reckon I need to change:[/quote]

There some pic in there already?

[quote=“The Runt”]I know fuck all about them really. But I want to edit one which inserts an image into the top left have corner of a word document. I just want it to insert a different image.

This is the line of code I reckon I need to change:[/quote]

Just record a new one?

Ya, just a company logo. I want it to insert a different logo.
The “insert” command doesn’t seem to point to anywhere it just gives the name of the file. Is there somewhere in particular that “logo” file would be stored?

There is a heap of other stuff within the Marco as well. It would be handy if I could just edit this particular section.

Instead of trying to find the logo just save the new logo and redirect to pull that instead


Dunph lock this thread

Yes, but how do I redirect it to the new logo?

The command just says:

WordBasic.Insert “logo”

[quote=“The Runt”]Yes, but how do I redirect it to the new logo?

The command just says:[/quote]

This thread is locked Runt

I pm’d the Dunph and he has unlocked it again.

Now do my work for me :guns:

This seems like a fairly simple problem and you’re loooking for an over complicated answer.

Have you got one?

I tried pointing it to the path of the new logo but that just broke it.

I’ll admit I know fuck all about Word Macros.

try turning it off and then turn it on again

I even tried Firefox

Ah macros are macros. It’s just VB code. I don’t actually have one but I could have a look in a while and see what I can come up with.

I just though it would have a path to the logo or a default path to the logo.

Does it work on a mac?