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Will you have one yourself?
Yes and maybe 2
Would you hate the mug?
Can’t bate it!
I would. What about yourself?
I’d be fierce partial to a mug of Barry’s tea but recently the mrs came home with bewleys gold blend, it’s a savage tea tbf
I’d be having 6 or 7 cups a day.
Oh I’d slosh in a drop out of the kettle and give it a good slosh.
Bewleys is mighty tack.
A fry and a big pot of strong tay, oh lawd there’s nothing better.
Bewleys is pure muck compared to Barry’s. You’d be as well drinking earl grey
10+ out of nothing more than pure habit
Barry’s all day lads. No tae comes near it.
Says the Cork man.
Good Blueshirt tea
The last few weeks I left the bag in the cup. Is this disgusting?
I take my tea weak. So yes.
Probably best to start on a new one.
It’s habit now because I’ve been using disposable cups more due to covid and it’s hard to get a good strong cup without leaving the bag in.
I’m horsing into the tay in lockdown