Mug of Tea

Itā€™s continually surprising to see the Limerick lads obsessing over the Galway lads. Like I said, itā€™s just an insecurity so deep that not even PJ can fill the chasm.


Milk firstā€¦and then let her draw a bitā€¦grand and strong.

Iā€™ve started to leave the tea bag in the flask. Mad shit.

Milk in on top of the teabag? Thatā€™s definitely a warning sign of some sort of deviancy


Ye may as well be drinking water if ye havenā€™t a pot on the go lads.


Tea :rofl:

Just the way I make it,donā€™t give a shite either way. Has to be strong though.

Is drinking tea with milk the quintessential British thing one can do @flattythehurdler?

Ye Limerick lads have a right bit of want in ye

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Milk on top of tea bag, 30 seconds in microwave, then boiling water. Game changer


I cant believe people microwave their tea.

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Heat 2 mugs of milk on low heat in potā€¦ Add the contents of 2 tea bags, half a cinnamon stick, 6 cracked cardamom pods, 2 cloves, some nutmeg and 2 large spoons of brown sugar and leave it simmer for 10 minutesā€¦ Strainā€¦ Now youā€™ve a mug of tay.

cc @Big_Dan_Campbell @StoneCold @Locke


you sick fucker

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Two mugs actuallyā€¦

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Only for the 2 cups of Yorkshire decaf I take before trudging off to bed.

Thereā€™s some mad shit coming out here. Iā€™ll never look at a fellas avatar the same way again.

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Great thread. Bewleys is the best Irish supermarket tea. Barrys is good too. Lyons is like some massive practical joke that Dublin has been playing on the rest of the country for the past century. Sometimes I pay money for fancy tea leaves from Clement and Pekoe. Thatā€™s a real treat.

I donā€™t drink tea except to be sociable when visiting elderly relatives etc,
We were always a Lyons family, I remember Barber Daly tea being very popular (and cheap) when I was in college

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We were Lyons as well but I switched to Barryā€™s because it was easier to buy online. I think Barryā€™s is better. They stopped shipping overseas since the pandemic.

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