Munster fans

Are filthy, hay eating, ignorant, fat, smelly, pig fucking, pedophiles

And they sleep with their daughters

Great victory for them today though Christian, good for Irish rugby mate.

Great stuff. Well done Munster.

Everyone knows soccer is the beautiful game. Rugby is for fat people.

Wonderful win for the red army. The best sporting ambassadors we’ve ever had.

Best fans in the world

Your ma’s gee has spots filled with puss

The kings of Thomond, the aristocrats of European Rugby, Ireland’s greatest sporting team do indeed deserve the best fans.

I despise your lack of personal hygene

You will get on fine with Totti so.

Everyone on this thread is a faggot except me

Do you like the owl gays?

Christian Bale cleaning house here.

He would do better power washing off his Ma before commenting on the hygiene of others.

I hope Chewy enjoyed his day in London.

Listening to these fucks in work tomorrow will be truly awful. Some of them will surely wear their grace of god shirts. I hope the cunts are dying with hangovers. Thanks be to Jesus the footballers won so I will have something to throw back at them.

Don’t waste your time

Munster Munster. what a team

Why? If only to upset them Ill be wearing an original Shaws shirt of a bygone era. Got it out of the press tonight even if it might be a little tighter than the original fit.

I would say they will be raging over that while you empty their bins.