Munster GAA Round Robin 2022

No comparison in fairness.

BMB has crystallised in his typical eloquent manner what it means to a lot of us here and the wider Limerick hurling support, it doesn’t matter as much to you in terms of your own county, that’s fine but we all have different interests/opinions. Is that too hard to understand? :man_shrugging:


I think they’d have gone to town in extra time tbh, that’s why I say ‘what we know now’, but they finished very strong against Cork in extra time in 18’. They’re the best last 20 team I’ve ever seen really. I’ve never actually looked at the KK lineball, doesnt suit my narrative!

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Apologies to kk posters it was 8 in 10 years!

I’m completely at ease with your passion, BMB is the one who can’t understand my point of view, he finds it mad, maybe unbelievable even, that I don’t take it so seriously, he’s posted about it dozens of times since last years final when I let slip that I’m not suicidal after a Cork loss.

Passion is one thing, but it says nothing about you that you support a winning team :man_shrugging:

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I’m not the one that goes out of my way to talk down to posters about their hobbies, passions and interests, you do. I doubt anybody would even notice your inane postings on the GAA threads only for that aspect. Perhaps therein lies the crux of it.

Sure I know hundreds of people exactly like you, who enjoy it casually and for them it’s just entertainment. There’s lots of them on TFK and I never have a word with them. They don’t go out of their way to attempt to belittle others who it does matter to like you do though I suppose.


That Kilkenny team of 11 and 12 were better than the 4 in a row team.

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Ah no!

Youre unravelling

They were in my opinion and they actually met decent Galway and tipp sides as well.

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I attended my first Limerick match 45 years ago far from supporting a ‘winning team’ until very recently


They certainly had better competition to prove themselves against

You’re talking through your hole as usual,
I said I don’t take the results all that seriously after the game is over, said I enjoy the banter etc, around the time of the AIF last year, it drove you mad for sone reason :man_shrugging:and you’ve repeated that back dozens of times since.

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3 in a row is only target atm. Puts this team in the great team bracket. We can only concentrate on getting into a debate between that kk and this limerick team if we win this year and are in the same position next year. Baby steps and we are long way off the giants

Beautifully put

I don’t think anybody will disagree with that anyway.

That cork side fell apart remarkably quick.

You were one of the posters I had in mind when talking about those with very strong connections and family memories through Limerick GAA, I was thinking of your Mom and how Will Donaghue has been so good to your Dad since and the joy it brought her and your Dad to see Limerick winning and how it brought ye all together on days in recent times.

@iron_mike and the lovely relationship and tradition he has with his father of supporting Limerick fervently even though it’d have been far easier for him to jump ship years ago given how long he has been up in Kilkenny.

Some of the best memories I have are via the GAA, some are club days , some are Limerick days, some of the best people I’ve ever met and some of my best friends are via the GAA.

It’s bizarre to feel the need to attempt to scoff at that. While at the same time continue to post inane boring shite on said GAA threads :rollseyes:


I meant ‘you’ in a more general sense,
No offence to you, I am aware that you’ve hurled to a very high level, and I respect that

I absolutely respect your right to support the team any way you want, BMB won’t respect mine :man_shrugging:

Agreed. Far off it. The greatest team we ever had tho

You’re inverting it now, on purpose. You went out of your way last August to belittle and scoff at Limerick posters taking pleasure from the All Ireland win and I called you out on it. I put it to you that for someone who doesn’t care much about it you do a good amount of posting about it. The point stands.

Your atremps now to play the victim won’t pull the wool over anyone’s eyes.