Munster GAA Round Robin 2022

There is an undoubted bandwagon element that has always been prevalent in Limerick sport. It will flit between the GAA and Munster Rugby, depending how well either team is going at any one time. Soccer doesn’t come into it, to any great degree, as Limerick have had poor teams for the guts of 40 years now.

All three have their hardcore local support who will always turn out at club level. The soccer following would gravitate more towards the GAA than rugby, however.

The inevitable by-product is gobshitery. Two things that I’ve noticed since crowds have been allowed back to games are “supporters” abusing their own players and the amount of people with their heads stuck in phones while the game is going on. I suspect the latter cohort are checking updates on social media to try identify players and scorers as they wouldn’t have a clue who they are. Another giveaway is when they bring children onto the field after games for selfies etc, with players. They haven’t a clue who half of them are with their helmets off and you’d se them glancing at the programme for their number before the “Hey Tom, Hey Dan” bit.


Bottle is best, pal.

My nipples agree.


Take your chasing there like a good little chap now and off you go. We all know what you are.

What am I?

A poster who used the fact that another poster’s partnerhad cancer as a means to mock and jibe said poster.

A crackpot conspiracy theorist.

A weird cunt who attempts to turn everything into a Left v Right political debate, which has sucked the life out of this forum.

A poster who has attempted to doxx other posters on twitter when they’ve given you a chasing.

That’s who you are, you big fuckin weirdo.

I’m incredibly humble.


None of that is true, though.

And the fact you think it is makes you the “big fuckin’ weirdo”.

Along with pretty much everything else you post here.

A poster who blatantly lies about the horrible shit he has done.

That’s who you are

You’re the only one lying here.

And all because you can’t take a bit of harmless winding up about the hobby sports team you support. :grin:

As I said, you’d well advised to put away the keyboard because you’re clearly not cut out to handle this place.

Take your skinning now like a good chap and off you waddle

Is that supposed to be a riposte or something? :grin:

You seem badly rattled by a bit of harmless winding up about your favourite sports team. Probably best to leave off you at this stage, lest you threaten to headbutt me.

I’ve an aunt that has a heart condition if that’s any good to you??? But it’s not that serious so maybe wouldn’t do it for you

The @PoorClares in work are giddy as fuck. The hopping off eachother is tremendous fun for both sides. Limerick are done, apparently. We’ll see.

TK this, Two-Metre-Peter that, Munster Final only a steppingstone…

A great few weeks ahead :clap: :clap:

None of them want to discuss the, you know, ‘the incident’. Big red faces, dry mouthes, long pauses, exasperated sighs…

Tremendous fun. Must go down now and see can I catch a few more of them.

“Stand back lads, give him plenty of room! Don’t touch him!” Guffaws all round. Tremendous fun.


Best wishes to your Aunt.

But I’m not sure what this has to do with you being utterly seething over people doing some harmless winding up about your favourite hurling team?

I was briefy enraged at some of this carry on last August when i saw certain people were at the final and i was in a pub on camden street. After 50 odd phone calls that morning to say im in dublin, let me know if theres a ticket going. I let the seeth go as it was too big of a day to ruin. But there is an element of some cunts only there to throw up an Instagram story, same folks only go to big concerts to be seen, it occurred with rubby too for years. There is a bandwagon element no denying that

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The first cunts to turn on a player, team or management after a loss. Simple cunts, really. They’re everywhere unfortunately.

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They go about like a player goes put to have a bad game or mean to make mistakes or are simply beaten by their man on a given day. The cunts

I’d agree. This clare team aren’t miles off anybody. When Galway batter limerick it will be all to play for.