Munster GAA Round Robin 2022

Tyrone were able to do it back in the 2000s.

Comparing this Limerick team to the great Kilkenny teams is still a bit ridiculous at this stage I think. Of the great teams since the 90s Limerick have already overtaken Tipp of the last decade and the great Clare and Offaly teams of the 90s by having won back to back. Cork of the early 2000s were involved in more iconic matches so maybe have the edge on us as of now but if we win this year it will be three in a row so we’ll have overtaken them too. Limerick would still have to win another to equal Kilkenny’s record and even if we did we wouldn’t quite be on a par with them for not having had as much challenge as they did, not to mention their subsequent winning run.

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You entirely missed his point. He said that as a winning team, Limerick are failing to remain humble and maintaining public affection.

And we’ll get the posts now saying that they dont care, they’re winning. Whilst getting the other posts moaning that no one loves them enough. Again, proving dans point

I would disagree regarding the team. Fans trash talking is a different thing.

You’re really doing a lot there kid with your latest off point/boast, to advance the cause that Limerick have remained humble and maintained public affection.


I’d say the team are fairly humble, Kiely wouldn’t tolerate anything else. It’s the supporters that would sicken your shit :slight_smile:

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That’s it exactly.

@iron_mike needs to have a lie down or take some time out. 10.30 in the morning and he’s all over the place already.

Nobody does winning like the Kilkenny crowd. I think there was always more of a fear of losing as opposed to an innate joy in winning that drives them on. They win. Celebrate for a few days. And then shut up about it!

Tipp, on the other hand, go buck ape when we win something (part of the reason for our inability to win back to backs). I don’t think I’d have it any other way.

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I’d agree on both points there

If the former wasn’t true, they wouldn’t keep winning.

Jaysus, we are only going to be up here for a few years.
Fuck being humble.
Fuck the public affection.
We want to sew it into everyone while it lasts.
Fuck ye all
Nobody gave a fuck about us before 2018.

Ye can revert to being a shower of condensing pricks when we falter. Until then we will continue to dispense humble pie and ye can feast away.


And then there’s supporters and supporters. Hurling men who have seen the good and the bad (mostly bad) and the apes that you will get with any bandwagon. There are very different cohorts within the support. Same as any team really.


It’s the moderation and temperance instilled in them by their Protestant forebears.


Don’t forget the shrieking die hard cohert on here like @TreatyStones @Thomas_Brady and @The_Most_Infamous who support them from the couch

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I find myself nodding my head in agreement with you again. There are people from home who’d only be looking for a ticket when an All Ireland is on, and wouldn’t have a clue about half the team. Event junkies. Every county has them

Sure I’ve the father in law blowing on about Limerick this and Limerick that all the time now. The cunt spent long enough on the Munster bandwagon

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You forgot to add in - on the internet.

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Supporters are fucking idiots.


As a breast feeding father you should know it’s not so easy run out the door.

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At least you are comfortable in your own skin and have clarity of thought on it.