Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

When I played rugby, I got injured early one season in a friendly pre AIL (for once my blistering pace hadn’t escaped the entire defence). I was on the sideline getting attention when a doctor/physio/coach from the other team Wanderered over and handed me a pill to take - an anti inflammatory so I could play on. Seemed bizarre at the time given I was already injured but I took it anyway. Didn’t play on regardless as it was only a friendly.

Never gave it much thought at all until now.

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That could have been Rohypnol, pal.


As smoking guns go I would have hoped for a little more…

You’re watching too much tv. It’s the little things that tell you the truth, not the big drama.

Amoxicillin usually a one tablet 3 times a day dosage?

Twice a day, usually

Spot the lad with the regular STDs

It was better than your story about the business man being told to give ff a bribe, I’ll give you that. At least you knew the identity of one of the people involved this time.


Spot the lad who knows the treatment for regular STDs


So the dosage was for a smaller size of a man . That must kill lads hearing that . Will james Cronin 2.0 now show up is the question.

It was for a different man altogether mate, keep up


Irish rugby players don’t cheat, it’s only those pesky foreigners (except CJ and any IRFU employees.)

100% So this much we know, ‘James’ took PEDs but it’s not ‘James’ fault. Our boys are untouchable in other words, the rubby apologists very quiet today I see

Nicely tidied up by Gerry, all a series of unfortunate events

Has he gotten any recommendations so far?

Last week the Sindo - back of a truck, landed on the coffee table etc - said that the pharmacy in question has links to employees within Munster Rugby…

Clearly Munster are trying to bury this. Hopefully WADA step in here and justice is served.

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:astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

There’s a little clue in that Thornley puff piece above. He knows more than he’s letting on. Look at the last sentence in the next paragraph…

“It’s understood that Munster no longer intend using the pharmacy, while the player is suing it in light of the legal costs he incurred. Why Munster and Cronin haven’t said so is another matter.”

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Also ignoring the absolutely bleeding obvious that the pharmacy thing may have been a hastily contrived cover story, and that the steroids found in his blood weren’t actually due to taking a few prednisolone tablets that morning.

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