Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

Had to be a yellow there . Joke.


Go for the corner.

Fuck off. This is madness.

Ah lads :grin:

Fuck me did it catch that one too?

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No, he’s just shite, he fucked his career early doors.

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How so? He wasn’t good enough and got a big wage in Northampton?

Keats woulda kicked those


Fucking hell - was that the wind too :joy::joy:


He should have stayed and developed himself in Munster. He went for the money, got fucked up and wasn’t fit to rescue his career. I’d say he came back to Munster with his tail between is legs but it was probably drifting wide there too.

Earls - superb catch under pressure

He wasn’t getting anywhere at Munster and had a huge falling out with foley. Madness not to go. He was offered silly money and rightly took it.

It would appear the fix was in here by the Leinster boys and Munster couldn’t even accept it.

A falling out of his own doing because he thought he knew it all.

Tis easy see who was right and wrong in the whole thing now as well. A mighty man for the pro14

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Classic Munster get what they deserve for lack of ambition.

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It would have been mental not to go. He’s been second/third Choice career throughout his career at Munster.

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Leinster deliver a knock out punch acc to the commentator.

Fairly sure Munster punched themslves in the face repeatedly

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