Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

“Cliffs of Mohar”. “Home of Munster Rugby”. Did Ian Dempsey do this on the jacks when he woke up. Shitshow.

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Probably the shittest list I’ve ever read

Surprised Kathryn Thomas isn’t as famous as the Foundry Nightclub

I know which one I’d rather be in


Few lads have been in both at the same time if rumors are to be believed.

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The Wire Wow GIF

Really good list, hits the mark with most counties.


The Ian Dempsey listeners are like the crowd at the Crucible. A very knowledgeable bunch.


Gave Dr death person of the year for 2020. Nuff said


Dempseys dimwits

Dr Carmody?

Chicken wing, clear red


What a try :heart_eyes:

@ lads who know about rugby, what’s the hype about Shane Daly about? Seems very pedestrian to me. He does that thing Kearney used to do when carrying the ball of pausing and jumping up into the air in front of an opponent and then picking a direction when he lands, as if that is going to wrong foot anyone, it’s hopeless. Good players keep their feet moving.

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Joy Neville is a fantastic rubby rĂŠiteor.

Joy Neville cost Munster badly tonight. Could have turned a blind eye to that knock on by De Allende

Yer Ben Healy is nothing but a place kicker btw. Adds nothing with ball in hand.

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Entertaining match though. I enjoyed it .

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And a poor man’s Cian Lynch/Seamus Flanagan when it comes to daring hairstyles and fashion.