Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

Irish Times.

Don’t shoot the messenger

She enjoyed supporting a team . What harm ???


Some lads are just filled full of hate.

Is it only ireland this mentality exists in?

Sure that cunt wouldn’t know where (insert the name of some small local team who’s players only play to keep off the drink play) what business have they here

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I don’t know

Is it only in Ireland this mentality exists?

Why dont you know???

I suppose I never gave it too much thought

It’s rugby mate. We played to keep on the drink.

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Heineken cup Guinness Pro 14 etc. If alcohol advertising in sports is banned it’ll be another nail in pro rugby’s coffin. The LA MLR team is literally named after a cocktail brand

I noticed that the Heineken banners at the presentation of the cup were all Heineken 0%

Two French sides I’d say playing big part in that

Same as supporting drink aware and the self regulation of the tobacco industry. Hypocritical really. I’ve nothing against any type of vice advertising in sports. Tobacco, alcohol or betting which is the worst if you ask me

Agreed. Betting is by far the worst. I’d make it illegal online here if I had the choice. Dont think they should be allowed advertise on TV.


About to bow out of the Rainbow Cup here

Edit: not sure if it’s knockout actually.


Two tries for Sweetnam today

Spine tingling

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Thats a real slap in the face to the front line workers

RG Snyman named in the SA squad today