Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

Healy putting on a Cillian O’Connor of a showing

Signing out, this is awful fucking shite


Healy :man_facepalming:t2:

The commentator just called it a lottery :laughing:

If you threw John Hayes and Ronan O’Gara up there they’d both have the same chances of scoring

Don’t be Martyn Phillips.

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Martyn Williams

There could have been a bit of a bloodgate thing going on with Munster there getting Murray back on the pitch

This will really test the Munster fans staying quiet for the Toulouse kicks


The French look shook

Whatever his name is.

Not drop goals no? Or choice ?

This is what they should be doing in the gaa instead of penalties.

They’d need Ian Keatley for this.

Healy snatched at that one


I’d have tapped that over.


Healy really shoulda made the move to Glasgow. He’s been eaten alive by the pressure.

Are they really kicking penos?

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Should Carberry have taken 2nd one, as it was hardest of the 3

They are. Jesus :joy:

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