Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2020

Would be bringing Flanagan on for Casey sooner rather than later.

Nash is killing us

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The fouls are killing us

Nash is so raw

Not to mention the supporters

Ref not accounting for conditions

Agreed. Game is flowing well.

Nash is very rash in the tackle. Think that is the third needless free he had given away diving in when he didn’t need to

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Forde isn’t good enough from open play to be missing frees

Ah here.

This is fucking outrageous

Ah here

Good defending from Tipp there but Gillane looks very dangerous

Brendan Maher been poor

Isn’t Portumna in Tipp?

Mulcahy was looking for the free there

Ronan Maher keeps playing from the front on the high balls and Gillane is playing him every time

Surely Mulcahy picked that off the ground to start with.

Niall O Meara is a liability for Chipp out there

This cunt has been bought by Teneo

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In fairness Mulcahy touched that on the ground there.

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